
Webhook Lambda & companion server consumer for triggering r10k updates from GitHub push events

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Carnival r10k Webhook

This repository provides a webhook for triggers r10k updates on servers when a change is pushed to the Github repository.


  • Provides an AWS Lambda (using Serverless Framework) which collects webhook events from Github and turns them into a message that gets pushed to SNS.

  • Provides an SNS consumer that creates an SQS queue (if one does not already exist) and subscribes it to the SNS topic used by the webhook Lambda. When new events come in, the program executes r10k deployment commands on the server.

  • Supports independent or shared-state Puppet masters. If running Puppet masters on shared disk (eg EFS), the consumer should run on each server, but can share the queue. If each Puppet master is completely independent, the consumer must run on each server and create their own independent SQS queues. The queue name is configurable in the consumer.

  • Because of the use of SQS/SNS, a single webhook can drive systems in multiple VPCs, or even multiple regions/accounts. This can simplify your Git repo configuration significantly, since it does not require a webhook to be added for each and every environment.

  • Written in Python 2.7 and using Boto3 for optimal compatibility with AWS Lambda and popular GNU/Linux distributions.

High Level Overview


Webhook Lambda

The webhook Lambda listens to webhooks from GitHub and turns them into messages on an SNS topic.


To deploy or update the webhook Lambda:

cd webhook/
serverless deploy --stage $ENVIRONMENT

The serverless deploy command will advise what endpoint is created in API gateway, or you can request it at any time with serverless info.

Change ENVIRONMENT to suit, generally most sites will have a staging and production convention to allow testing of new versions of the Lambda. Note that this is not the same as Puppet environments, a single Lambda can handle events for all Puppet environments.

The SNS topic used by the Lambda is automatically created in the same region as the Lambda itself. The topic name is r10k-webhook-$stage.

GitHub Configuration

When adding the webhook to Github, you should set the following fields:

Field Value
Payload URL The endpoint URL returned from serverless deploy command
Content Type application/json
Secret Unset
Verify SSL true (AWS API G/W provides us a valid cert)
Which Events Just the push event
Active true


The following two examples simulate testing a ping and a push event:

ENDPOINT=<as returned by `serverless info`>

curl -i \
-H "X-GitHub-Event: ping" \
--data "test" $ENDPOINT

curl -i \
-H "X-GitHub-Event: push" \
--data '{"repository": {"name": "test-repo", "url": "git://example-url/test-repo"}, "pusher": {"email": "example@example.com"} }' $ENDPOINT

GitHub makes testing very easy as well. Once a webhook is configured on a project, you can view and debug the communications to/from the webhook by clicking on the webhook entry in the web interface. This interface also permits redelivery for testing purposes.

TODO: Review and implement unit testing for webhook.

Server-Side Consumer

The consumer subscribes to the SNS topic and listens for event messages. When one arrives, it parses the data and if the module is present in r10k, it checks out the new version.


The consumer can be installed onto a systemd-enabled Linux system with:

apt-get install python-boto3
cp r10k-webhook-consumer.py /usr/local/bin/r10k-webhook-consumer
cp r10k-webhook-consumer.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable r10k-webhook-consumer
systemctl restart r10k-webhook-consumer

You may wish to change some of the default configuration, which can be done by adjusting the environmentals inside the r10k-webhook-consumer.service file.

Env Key Value Details
PYTHONUNBUFFERED true Ensures logging works in real-time when running as a daemon.
SNSTOPIC r10k-webhook-staging Name of the SNS topic to subscribe to.
SQSQUEUE r10k-webhook-staging-hostname Name of the SQS queue to use. Self-generates unique names.
AWS_REGION us-east-1 AWS region

The server must have the following IAM role configured:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [ {
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456:r10k-webhook-*",
    "Effect": "Allow"
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:123456:r10k-webhook-*",
    "Effect": "Allow"
  } ]


The easiest way to test is to copy the consumer to a server and execute the command with environmentals. Make sure the server IAM roles have been setup as per above information.


All contributions are welcome via Pull Requests including documentation fixes.


Copyright (c) 2016 Sailthru, Inc., https://www.sailthru.com/

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.