
Primary LanguageC#


  • .NET Core SDK 2.2
  • node 10+
  • npm 6+
  • Chrome for tests

Restore dependencies

dotnet restore


dotnet build


dotnet run -p src/server/server.csproj

Open browser on URL https://localhost:5001/. Ignore SSL certificate error.


The service could be run inside Docker container. You can either build the image locally or pull the image from Docker Hub.

Docker commands are run from solution root. If your Docker installation requires elevated permissions, consider using sudo or running under Administrator privileges.

Build image

Image build takes some time and significant disk space (uo to 2 GB) for intermeiate SDK layers. To build the image locally, run this command:

docker build . -t timbabyuk/dt-demo

Pull image from Docker Hub

Instead of building image locally, you canjust pull it from Docker Hub. Demo service image is stored in timbabyuk/dt-demo repository. To pull the image, execute:

docker pull timbabyuk/dt-demo

Run image

Once image is built or pulled, execute this command to run container from the image:

docker run -p 8080:80 timbabyuk/dt-demo

Now demo application is available on localhost, port 8080, URL http://localhost:8080

If 8080 port occupied, you can specify another in docker run command.


Server test

dotnet test

UI Tests

Ensure that Chrome is installed and available in path. On Linux run:

export CHROME_BIN=chromium-browser


ng test from src/ui folder

End to End tests

ng e2e from src/ui folder