
Python interface for Pax Calima Fan via Bluetooth LE

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Simple python interface against the Pax Calima® <http://www.pax.se/sv/produkt/calima/pax-calima-flakt>_ bathroom fan created and sold by Pax® <http://www.pax.se>_

This module provides a very simple interface against the various GATT characteristics of the Calima fan, most importantly it handles the authentication so values are actually persisted within the fan.

Uses BluePy https://github.com/IanHarvey/bluepy

For Home Assistant integration, please visit https://github.com/timutta/homeassistant-paxcalima

Installation from Pypi:

python3 -m pip install calima

Manual Installation

  1. Install python3:
$apt install python3 python3-pip libglib2.0-dev
  1. Install BluePy
$sudo pip3 install bluepy
  1. Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/timutta/pycalima.git

Demo usage

code:: python

from Calima import Calima

fan = Calima("MA:CC:AD:DR:ES:SS", "012345")

Command line tool

Pretty useful command line tool which among other things can print all the characteristics of a fan. It can also search for available fans if you don't know the MAC address.

For more on using the tool, just run calima -h.


Set this to True in pycalima/Calima.py file if want to see more verbose output.

self._debug = False


A good readup introductory readup on BLE reverse engineering can be found here https://medium.com/@urish/reverse-engineering-a-bluetooth-lightbulb-56580fcb7546#.9ltnsvdsn`.

Some badly structured details about the protocol can be found in the Characteristics file <characteristics.md>.

There is currently no documentation on the module yet, check the Calima.py file to see available functions.


See LICENSE file