
copy particles folder to gamedir, r_particledesc qssm13 to load all effects, r_particledesc classic to disable

for per map effects add to a maps .ent worldspawn:

e4m7 worldspawn:

"message" "Azure Agony"
"worldtype" "0"
"wad" "gfx/medieval.wad"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"sounds" "7"
"_texpart_sky4" "lib_effects_0_e4m7.skysnow"        //make it snow

ctf5 worldspawn:

"message" "Da Ancient War Grounds"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"wad" "texture.wad"
"_texpart_*lava1" "lib_effects_0_lava.tex_*lava1"       // add lava particle effects

for per map effects to an entitiy add to a maps .ent:

"_color" "246 154 84"
"_tb_group" "151"
"angle" "0"
"classname" "light_flame_large_yellow"
"delay" "2"
"light" "225"
"origin" "1120 -128 407"
"wait" "1.67"
"emiteffect" "lib_effects_0_ad_smoke.DPP_ITSVELSMOKEGREY1"      // add some smoke to a flame/torch