
A package for the seldom-used kernel ridge regression.

Primary LanguageR


This package may be used to create models via the kernel ridge regression smoothing method. While it is a neat smoothing method, it is not often used for two reasons:

  1. Its computation involves inverting an n × n matrix, and thus suffers badly from computing inefficiency.
  2. It tends to fare pretty poorly as a predictive model.

If you are still interesting in using this package, by all means, keep reading!

Example Use of krr

Let us simulate some data:

  n <- 100
  x <- seq(0, 7, length.out = n)
  y <- 2 + x * sin(x) + rnorm(n, 0, sqrt(2))
  plot(x, y, pch = 18)

While kernel ridge regression can handle an n × p design frame X, my example is only n × 1 in order to illustrate the model's narrow usage through plotting.

Producing a Model

Currently, objects of type formula are not accepted. The parameter lambda is mandatory, but sigma defaults to 1. sigma is the standard deviation parameter for the Gaussian kernel. Currently, the Gaussian kernel is the only kernel supported. (In my experience, it's the best anyway).

mod <- krr(x, y, lambda = 1, sigma = 1)

Several objects are returned from the krr function:


## [1] "pred"      "alpha_hat" "lambda"    "ker"       "x"         "residuals"
## [7] "MSE"
  • pred Are the model predictions.
  • alpha_hat Is the estimated vector alpha used to produce estimates.
  • lambda Is the input λ parameter.
  • ker Is the used kernel function.
  • x Is the input design matrix X.
  • residuals Are the model residuals.
  • MSE is the model mean squared error.

Model Prediction

Notice that I provide a class type krr:


## [1] "krr"

I also produce some S3 class methods. Specifically, a predict.krr method:

n_new <- 20
x_new <- seq(2, 5, length.out = n_new)
pred_x <- predict(mod, xnew = x_new)

Which, given only xnew, produces only the model predictions:


##          [,1]
## [1,] 3.077697
## [2,] 2.899002
## [3,] 2.667836
## [4,] 2.388769
## [5,] 2.062070
## [6,] 1.689195

However, if given a ynew parameter, an MSE is also produced:

y_new <- 2 + x_new * sin(x_new) + rnorm(n_new, 0, sqrt(2))
pred_y <- predict(mod, xnew = x_new, ynew = y_new)

## [1] "pred" "MSE"


##          [,1]
## [1,] 3.077697
## [2,] 2.899002
## [3,] 2.667836
## [4,] 2.388769
## [5,] 2.062070
## [6,] 1.689195


## [1] 1.156105


I also provide a plot.krr function, which only works when p = 1:


Model Selection

Selecting an appropriate λ is not easy. If we allow λ to be too small, we have a near-perfect fit. If λ is too large, our model hardly fits at all. I provide a function to aide in model fitting. However, due to matrix inversion, this function may take a long time for large n.

cv <- cv_krr(x, y, lambda_index = seq(0.05, 0.15, 0.01))

## [1] "lambda_best" "MSE_best"    "index"       "model_best"

This function uses a crude mockery of cross-validation. The parameter lambda_index is a vector of λs upon which to run the model.

# Which lambda produced the lowest MSE?

## [1] 0.13

# Which MSE (corresponding to lambda_index) was lowest?

## [1] 1.581844

# A data.frame of all lambda_index values and corresponding MSEs.

##    lambda_index      MSE
## 1          0.05 2.779005
## 2          0.06 2.741878
## 3          0.07 2.715519
## 4          0.08 2.696765
## 5          0.09 2.683606
## 6          0.10 2.674692
## 7          0.11 2.669078
## 8          0.12 2.666084
## 9          0.13 2.665203
## 10         0.14 2.666052
## 11         0.15 2.668332

The object cv$model_best is an object of type krr produced using cv$lambda_best.


And that's it! I have a few TODOs in this package, but I don't know if I'll ever get to them, since I anticipate no high demand for these methods. If you have any requests or suggestions for refactoring/improving my code (would be much appreciated!), please email me at TimothyKBook@gmail.com.