
An Ethereum trading bot that I hereby guarantee will lose all of your money.

Primary LanguagePython

👵 Project Ethel 👵

An Ethereum trading bot that I hereby guarantee will lose all of your money.

No, really. If anyone finds this bot via Google please do not use it. And if you do, I am not responsible for any of your losses (which will be great).

This is just a fun side project for me, to see if I can beat the market via some very, very rudimentary trading tactics. I am by no means trained in finance, and am fully aware of the foolhardiness of my journey.

That being said, this will be an ongoing WIP, only to be finished when I become discouraged to continue by my bank account. Below are instructions for using the bot in its current state.


IMPORTANT!: This bot will not work as-is. I am using the Kraken exchange using the ccxt API. In order for the bot to function, you must create a secrets.py file with these two lines:

publickey = "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY"
privatekey = "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"

You should also include the following two lines if you wish to use the emailer:

myaddress = "YOUR_ADDRESS@gmail.com"
mypassword = "YOUR_GMAIL_PASSWORD"


ethel-bot.py is the main script to be run. Tuning parameters are on line 13-19

  • pair: The currency pair to trade. Defaults to Ethereum (ETH). Future updates will allow this to change from the command line.
  • SLEEP_SEC: The number of seconds between API calls for the current price.
  • short_len, long_len: The lengths of the two moving averages to use.
  • eps: The percent change at which you are willing to buy/sell. This should of course be higher than your fees. Treat as percent, ie, 0.005 is interpretted as "0.5%".
  • use_email: Whether or not to use emailer. Right now, I don't think the email utility I'm using works on AWS.
  • phase: The initial phase to start in.


I also have the Python/shell script named query to quickly query your balance in between log outputs. This script requires one non-case-sensitive argument: the currency abbreviation. Example: Simply type ./query eth.


  • Read a finance book and maybe learn how to trade more.
  • Allow for knob chaning on command line.
  • ????
  • Profit!