Empty Poet

This is an empty Poet blog with the basic Jade templates from the examples folder. It's all set up for deployment from GitHub into Windows Azure Web Sites, and will probably work perfectly well with other Cloud platforms too.

You can either fork the project through GitHub or clone it and fork it manually.


I made a couple of modifications to the project and templates from the Poet examples:


The default name for ExpressJS apps is app.js, but Windows Azure Web Sites require this to be server.js. You might need to change it back if you're using another platform.

Twitter Bootstrap 3

The layout template references the Twitter Bootstrap 3 stylesheet from the BootstrapCDN, and I updated the templates to use the new TBS 3 classes.


There are some commented-out lines at the end of post.jade to add Disqus comments. Uncomment them and add your Disqus short-name if you want to enable Disqus in your blog.

Date format

I've added Moment.js and use that to format dates in posts using yyyy-MM-DD instead of the Poet default.


If you use this template and make modifications that you think might be useful to other people, please consider sending me a pull request with those changes.


Obviously most of the hard work here has been done by Jordan Santell, along with the fine folks who make ExpressJS and Jade, and Node.js.