NodeJs command line app for simple upload of Excel or Open Office spreadsheet to a CouchDB or PouchDB database. Ideally suited to simple spreadsheets with row 1 as keys and each subsequent row as a document of values.
Thanks to the xlsx npm module it supports a wide range of spreadsheet and spreadsheet-like formats (https://www.npmjs.com/package/xlsx#file-formats)
to use
download using npm
npm install -g xlsx-to-couchdb
xlsx-to-couchdb --file [xlsx pathname] --database [CoudbDB database name]
or download from github
git clone https://github.com/timbophillips/xlsx-to-couchdb.git
cd xlsx-to-couchdb
npm install
node ./xlsx-to-couchdb.js --file [xlsx pathname] --database [CoudbDB database name]
more options
Usage: xlsx-to-couchdb [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-f, --file <pathname> required - The Excel .xlsx / .xls or Open Office .ods file to use
-d, --database <CoudbDB database name> required - The name of the CouchDB database
-p, --port [port] optional - CouchDB server port (default: 5984)
-h, --hostname [hostname] optional - CouchDB web server hostname (default:
-h, --help output usage information