
Container to simplify MySQL Containers Backups using Percona MyDumper.

Primary LanguageShell


This is a gcavalcante8808/mydumper docker image based no alpine 3.6 and Percona MyDumper.

Supported Tags and respective Docker Links

How to see it In Action

You can use (docker-compose) to spin up a MySQL Server and the mysqldumper using the docker-compose.yml file provided in this project in the following way:

mkdir test && cd test
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gcavalcante8808/docker-mysqldumper/master/docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up

The container for mydumper will start, create the backup then exit with status 0. (You can see the exit code with docker ps and logs with docker logs <CONTAINER>.

The backups are created with --compress and in the following folder pattern:


Needed Environment Variables

The container uses the following environment variables (theh bold ones are required) :

  • DB_HOST: the IP or hostname of the mysql Server;
  • DB_USER: a user with 'RELOAD' privilege. If not provided, assumes root;
  • DB_NAME: the name of the db that will be saved. Same value as DB_USER if not provided;
  • DB_PASSWORD: the password for the user.


The Following features mark the roadmap for a more usefull (Aka 1.0) version:

  • Support for S3 Backups with endpoint options (minio, do spaces, aws, etc);
  • DCron support for schedules;
  • Backup All Databases instead of just one.


Author: Gabriel Abdalla Cavalcante Silva (gabriel.cavalcante88@gmail.com)