
Seminar paper (@ Technical University Munich) on parameter free clustering of weighted graphs using PaCCo (Parameter-free Clustering by Coding costs)

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Seminar paper on clustering of weighted graphs using the PaCCo algorithm

Seminar paper (@Technical University Munich) on parameter free clustering of weighted graphs using the PaCCo algorithm (Parameter-free Clustering by Coding costs).

The PaCCo algorithm was originally conceptualized and devised by: Mueller, N.S., Haegler, K., Shao, J., Plant, C. and Böhm, C., 2011, April. Weighted graph compression for parameter-free clustering with pacco. In Proceedings of the 2011 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (pp. 932-943). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/21f3/5d96e7854e1d41ba7e1e1f0c33886719af7c.pdf


Since the first decade of the 21st century network science is undergoing a huge increase of popularity. [1] Data in form of graphs is increasingly used to observe behavior of agents in networks, to find inter-object interactions and to map out objects like diseases [2] to use the network’s topology to discover subtle relationships that might not be discovered otherwise. Weighted graphs enrich these findings by adding a dimension of interaction strength and allowing for deeper understanding of object interaction. With the rising amount of data, elaborate algorithms are needed to find structures and patterns within the graphs to facilitate analysis and interpretation. One very important tool used is the clustering of graphs to detect interesting and meaningful substructures to make sense of the data. But most state of the art clustering algorithms require input parameters like the expected number of clusters. This creates the need to compute the approximate number of clusters in beforehand thus complicating the utilization of such algorithms and their application on real world data as well as research. This paper is presenting and analyzing the PaCCo (Parameter-free Clustering by Coding costs) algorithm as introduced by Mueller et al. [3] that overcomes those issues by using the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle together with a bisecting k-Means approach to automatically and parameter independently cluster weighted graphs on the basis of coding costs and data compression.


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[3] N. Mueller, K. Haegler, J. Shao, C. Plant, and C. Böhm, “Weighted graph compression for parameter-free clustering with pacco.” in SDM. SIAM, 2011, pp. 932–943.

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