
🅰️ ⁉️ 🅱️ Apache Cordova plugin to determine whether the application is using UIWebView or WKWebView engine

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Linting Security

Known Vulnerabilities

Commitizen friendly License npm

Apache Cordova plugin to determine whether the application is using UIWebView or WKWebView engine

Supported platforms

  • iOS


from npm (recommended)

$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-detect-webview-engine

from git (unstable)

$ cordova plugin add https://github.com/timbru31/cordova-plugin-detect-webview-engine.git


Check for UIWebView

cordova.plugins.webviewEngine.isUIWebView().then((isUIWebView) => {
    // returns true or false

Check for WKWebView

cordova.plugins.webviewEngine.isWKWebView().then((isWKWebView) => {
    // returns true or false

Built by (c) Tim Brust and contributors. Released under the MIT license.