go-apache-log-parser is a parser for Apache log files written in Go.
This has been forked from ksaylor11/go-apache-log-parser who forked it from dsparling/go-apache-log-parser and modified with the changes below.
- Updated to use Go modules
- Updated test to use included test log file
- Added the ability to parse gzipped tar (tar.gz / .tgz) files
- Added the ability to parse gzipped (.gz) files
import (
apachelogparser "github.com/timbutler/go-apache-log-parser"
lines, err := apachelogparser.Parse("logs/access_log")
if err != nil {
for _, line := range lines {
fmt.Printf("remote host: %s\n", line.RemoteHost)
fmt.Printf("time: %s\n", line.Time)
fmt.Printf("request: %s\n", line.Request)
fmt.Printf("status: %d\n", line.Status)
fmt.Printf("bytes: %d\n", line.Bytes)
fmt.Printf("referer: %s\n", line.Referer)
fmt.Printf("user agent: %s\n", line.UserAgent)
fmt.Printf("url: %s\n", line.URL)
fmt.Printf("method: %s\n", line.Method)
fmt.Printf("protocol: %s\n", line.Protocol)