
Helpers for BenchmarkDotNet

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Helpers for BenchmarkDotNet.


Useful for benchmarking actions ran on multiple threads concurrently more accurately than other solutions.

It can be the same action ran multiple times in parallel, like incrementing a counter. Or it can be different actions ran at the same time in parallel, like reading from and writing to a concurrent collection.

Example, to compare the performance of incrementing a counter using Interlocked vs with a lock:

public class ThreadBenchmarks
    private BenchmarkThreadHelper threadHelper;

    private readonly object locker = new();
    private int counter;

    public void Cleanup()

    [GlobalSetup(Target = nameof(ThreadHelperInterlocked))]
    public void SetupInterlocked()
        Action action = () => Interlocked.Increment(ref counter);
        threadHelper = new BenchmarkThreadHelper()

    public void ThreadHelperInterlocked()

    [GlobalSetup(Target = nameof(ThreadHelperLocked))]
    public void SetupLocked()
        Action action = () =>
                lock (locker)
        threadHelper = new BenchmarkThreadHelper()

    public void ThreadHelperLocked()

Compare to System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:

Method MaxConcurrency Mean Error StdDev Allocated
ParallelOverhead -1 4,086.4 ns 78.81 ns 80.93 ns 514 B
ParallelInterlocked -1 4,370.0 ns 86.95 ns 147.65 ns 517 B
ParallelLocked -1 4,798.6 ns 54.14 ns 50.64 ns 522 B
ThreadHelperOverhead -1 1,172.7 ns 3.55 ns 3.32 ns -
ThreadHelperInterlocked -1 1,302.8 ns 2.07 ns 1.83 ns -
ThreadHelperLocked -1 1,660.2 ns 4.42 ns 4.13 ns -
ParallelOverhead 2 2,843.1 ns 19.03 ns 17.80 ns 1288 B
ParallelInterlocked 2 2,737.6 ns 20.99 ns 19.63 ns 1288 B
ParallelLocked 2 2,805.0 ns 18.68 ns 17.48 ns 1288 B
ThreadHelperOverhead 2 602.1 ns 2.39 ns 2.23 ns -
ThreadHelperInterlocked 2 697.4 ns 2.77 ns 2.59 ns -
ThreadHelperLocked 2 992.7 ns 2.93 ns 2.74 ns -


Very similar to BenchmarkThreadHelper, except AsyncBenchmarkThreadHelper supports async actions.

public class ThreadAsyncBenchmarks
    private const int numTasks = 2;

    public bool Yield { get; set; }

    private AsyncBenchmarkThreadHelper asyncThreadHelper;

    private async ValueTask FuncAsync()
        if (Yield)
            await Task.Yield();

    [GlobalSetup(Target = nameof(AsyncThreadHelper))]
    public void SetupAsyncThreadHelper()
        asyncThreadHelper = new();
        for (int i = 0; i < numTasks; ++i)
            asyncThreadHelper.Add(() => FuncAsync());

    public ValueTask AsyncThreadHelper()
        return asyncThreadHelper.ExecuteAndWaitAsync();

Compare to Task.Run and Task.WhenAll:

Method Yield Mean Error StdDev Allocated
TaskRun False 3,568.3 ns 17.02 ns 15.92 ns 408 B
AsyncThreadHelper False 833.6 ns 2.97 ns 2.48 ns -
TaskRun True 5,769.1 ns 109.06 ns 112.00 ns 648 B
AsyncThreadHelper True 3,666.5 ns 10.15 ns 9.00 ns 240 B