
OpenSprinkler plugin for Homebridge

Primary LanguageJavaScript


"Hey Siri, turn off my sprinklers"


Simple OpenSprinkler / Homebridge integration.

What works:

  • Read and set rain delay
  • Automatically update changes in state
  • Show sprinkler state: idle, scheduled, running
  • Show remaining duration
  • Turn off sprinklers
  • Ad-hoc turn on a single valve at a time.
  • Allow duration to be specified per-station when enabled

What doesn't work:

  • Starting multiple programs in sequence (turning on multiple stations causes them to run concurrently)
  • Persisting Home-configured station-specific default durations after restart
  • Does not support multiple OpenSprinkler systems


You must have NodeJS v8.1.4 or later installed as homebridge-opensprinkler depends on JavaScript features introduced at that point. Check your node version:

node --version

You need Homebridge installed and configured. This plugin was developed against Homebridge 0.4.43.

npm install -g homebridge

Install this plug-in:

npm install -g homebridge-opensprinkler


npm update -g homebridge-opensprinkler

Add the section below to your homebridge platforms section.


  • host: The IP or DNS name of the OpenSprinkler controller
  • password: Either the md5 hash of the password, or the password in plain text. I.E. {"md5": "a6d82bced638de3def1e9bbb4983225c"} or {"plain": "opendoor"}
  • enabledStationIds: The stationIds you wish to have registered.
  • defaultDurationSecs: The duration for which a station will be run when toggled on.
  • pollIntervalMs: The interval at which homebridge-opensprinkler will poll for state changes in OpenSprinkler.

Sample configuration:

  "platform": "OpenSprinkler",
  "host": "sprinkler.lan",
  "password": {"md5": "a6d82bced638de3def1e9bbb4983225c"},
  "enabledStationIds": [0, 1, 2, 3],
  "defaultDurationSecs": 600,
  "pollIntervalMs": 5000