#Property Management Tech Test Build Status Coverage Status

#Description This is a command-line application for a property management company which identifies which estates are due for service charge payments. Table below shows the estates and service charge due dates.

This system should remind financial officers about upcoming service charge due dates so they can send demand letters to estates before the time.

For estates with service charge period 'Quarterly' system should remind financial officers one calendar month before service charge due date.

For estates with service charge period 'Twice a year' system should remind financial officers two calendar months before service charge due date.

Interface to the reminder system (Ruby):

reminder = Reminder.new(reminder_rules)

reminder.on(date, estates) # returns estate code and due date of estates
                           # needing reminders

#Running Instructions

  1. Clone Repo
  2. Use Bundle Install to install gems
  3. Open IRB on the terminal
  4. To run the program from the command line, try the following example commands in this feature test
  5. To run all tests, type rpsec into the terminal