
This is our project for the Hackalong hackathon 2018! w/ @jamiepine

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hackalong 2018

Hackathon Information



Create a random chat room website where users can either create a room with a set topic or join a random room where they'll be thrown into a chat with an odd number of people to talk about the set topic.

Rooms will start with 3 people and as the conversation duration progress more people will be thrown into the chat to keep it going. There will always be an odd number of people so the room can't be 50/50.

When a new user gets thrown into the chat it will feed them the previous messages so they can quickly catch up on the talk.

Members of the chat will have buttons that will allow to pick their side at any given time so everyone can see the diversity on the topic.

Backend Documenation

WebSocket Server

Pathname: /ws

To the server

  • SET_USERNAME Requires data.username - ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$
    • Setings Your Username
    • e.g. {"type":"SET_USERNAME", "data": { "username": "Testing321" }}
  • CREATE_CHANNEL Requires data.topic
    • Creates a new channel with a topic
    • e.g. {"type":"CREATE_CHANNEL", "data": { "topic": "Windows vs Mac LUL" }}
    • Joins a random channel
    • e.g. {"type":"JOIN_CHANNEL" }
    • Leaves an active channel
    • e.g. {"type":"LEAVE_CHANNEL" }
  • SEND_MESSAGE Requires data.message
    • Sends a message in the active channel
    • e.g. {"type":"SEND_MESSAGE", "data": { "message": "Kappa 123" }}
  • VOTE Requires data.vote (bool - true is for - false is against)
    • Updates the user option on the topic
    • e.g. {"type":"VOTE", "data": {"vote": true}}

From the server

    • Response from settings a username can either contain data.username or error
    • e.g. {"type":"SET_USERNAME", "data": { "username": "Testing321" }}
    • e.g. {"type":"SET_USERNAME","error":"ERR_BADUSERNAME"}
    • Sent when there was an error creating a new channel. If successful will send JOIN_CHANNEL instead
    • e.g. {"type":"CREATE_CHANNEL","error":"ERR_UNAUTHORIZED"}
    • Sent when you've successfully joined a channel from with sending JOIN_CHANNEL or CREATE_CHANNEL
    • e.g. {"type":"JOIN_CHANNEL"}
    • Sent when there is a new message in the chat from either you or other members
    • e.g. {"type":"NEW_MESSAGE","data":{"message":"Kappa 123","username":"Testing321"}}
    • Sent when a new member joins the chat
    • e.g. {"type":"MEMBER_JOIN","data":{"username":"Testing321"}}
    • Sent when a new member leaves the chat
    • e.g. {"type":"MEMBER_LEAVE","data":{"username":"Testing321"}}
  • VOTE
    • Sent when a user updates their option
    • 1 is for - 0 is no vote yet - -1 is against
    • e.g. {"type":"VOTE","data":{"member":{"username":"Testing123","vote":-1},"timestamp":"2018-08-11T22:43:29.3425895-04:00"}}