
Node JS Exercise 1

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NodeJS-Crash Course

Node JS Crash Course - Following Brad Traversy

Began APRIL 12, 2023

The objective of this Exercise is to be a crash course introduction to Node.JS

-Written in C++

-NodeJS is a Javascript Runtime NOT a framework or language

-Event-driven non-blocking I/O model

It is asynchronous, single threaded. It can run tens of thousands of connections on one thread. This allows for efficiency and scalability. However, it is not ideal for CPU intensive actions.

Subject should be looked up and more detail noted

EventEmitter Class is used to bind events & listeners


Event Loop

Event Handlers

Node is good for:

REST API & Microservices Real Time Services (Chat, Live Updates) CRUD Apps - Blogs, Shopping Carts, Social Networks Tools & Utilities

Node Core Modules (path, fs, http, etc) 3rd party modules/packages installed via NPM Custom modules (files)

const path = require('path'); const myFile = require('./myFile');

goal completion: April 26th

add more detailed notes here

Exercise 1: 04/15
Create 'module' files and access them from index.js. Learn how the module wrapper function wraps around all our modules to give us access to exports, require and module.

Exercise 2: 04/16
Test different methods from the path_demo module. These are different ways to retrieve different parts of the path, including the ext and dir. However we can also create a path object which contains it all. We learn how to concatenate paths, which is useful for adding the correct delimiter (windows uses backslash while Mac & Linux use forwardslash)

Exercise 3: 04/16
File System (FS)
A review of how to create folders, create & write to a file, how to append files, read and rename files

Exercise 3: 04/16
Operating System (OS)
A review of how to get various information about the Operating System, CPU, Memory

Exercise 4: 04/16
URL Demo
A review of how to get various info about our url, host and parameters

Exercise 5 - Part 1: 04/16
Event Emitter Demo Shows how emitters interact with listeners to init objects & events
Exercise 5 - Part 2: 04/18
Event Emitter - Logger Demo Shows how we can use the logger method to create our own custom logs.
TO DO: Include FS (File System) and append file with a log of the keys that are generated

Exercise 6 - Http Demo 04/20
Http Demo - A very simple demo of a functional http server

Exercise 7 - HTTP Server 04/20
HTTP Server that runs (and displays) HTML files

Exercise 8 - HTTP Server 04/22
HTTP Server with error handling page

Exercise 9 - HTTP Server 04/22
HTTP Server ready to deploy to Heroku

To Do: look up basic node principals, ideologies & best practices. Come up with at least 5.

  1. Do not run as root
  2. do not use npm start

look up Don'ts for node

write more detailed notes