
about ImportError: No module named models.nets

puface opened this issue · 5 comments

hi timctho
/run_demo_tf.sh but i got an error
File "demo_tf.py" . line 10, in
from models.nets import vnect_model_bn_folded as vnect_model
ImportError: No module named models.nets
i download the tensorflow model abd then save models/weights/vnect_tf
my system:
ubuntu 16.04 64bit gtx1080ti cuda-8.0 python2.7 opencv 3.3.0
i don't know why .pls help me thanks

add the following lines to the code "demo_tf.py"

import sys
sys.path.append(<path to the model folder>)

This should fix the issue I hope.

hi devilwarz
thanks your help i add one line code at demo_tf.py
import sys
but i always got same error

@puface I think it's because I forgot to add a __init__.py file in models

hi all .
i can run demo_tf_gl.py . the code working to well . thanks
i got 28-29 fps/s in my compute by demo_tf_gl.py

@puface where did you download the VCNet tf model from? can you please share the link?