
Folds batch normalisation and the following scale layer into a single scale layer for networks trained in Caffe. This can be done at inference time to reduce memory consumption.

Primary LanguagePython

Folding batch normalisation layers

This tool folds batch normalisation and the following scale layer into a single scale layer for networks trained in Caffe. This can be done at inference time to reduce memory consumption, as well as to speed-up computation. This is particularly useful in network architectures which use a lot of batch normalisation (such as ResNet).

For an input, x, the batch normalisation and scale layers at test time, perform

\gamma * (x - \mu) / \sigma + \beta

This can be converted to a single scale layer

(\gamma / \sigma) * x + (\beta - \gamma * \mu / \sigma)

Here, \mu is the mean, \sigma the standard deviation, \gamma the learned scale, and \beta the learned bias.


This is for Caffe models, and requires Caffe to be installed.

python fold_batchnorm.py 
--model_def_original <path to original input prototxt>
--model_weights_original <path to input weights> 
--model_def_folded <path to save folded prototxt to>
--model_weights_folded <path to save folded weights to>