
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Beginners' Python and Machine Learning

This git repo is the complementary source code for

The project will show how to create an interactive chart plotting cases of COVID-19 by country or state.

Task 1: Setup environment

Command line - clone git repository

cd ~/PycharmProjects
git clone https://github.com/timcu/bpaml-dash-graph.git
cd bpaml-dash-graph
git checkout challenge1

PyCharm - clone git repository

Command line - create virtual environment

python -m venv venv                         # Windows
python3 -m venv venv                        # Mac or Linux
conda create --name venv-dash-graph python  # Anaconda

Command line - Activate virtual environment

source venv/bin/activate                    # Mac or Linux
conda activate venv-dash-graph              # Anaconda
source venv/Scripts/activate                # Windows Git-Bash
venv\Scripts\activate.bat                   & :: Windows command prompt
venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1                   & :: Windows powershell

Command line - Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt             # Windows, Mac or Linux without Anaconda
conda install --name venv-dash-graph --file requirements.txt       # Anaconda

PyCharm + Python - create and activate virtual environment and install requirements

  • PyCharm > Preferences > Project > Python Interpreter
    • Project Interpreter > Show all > +
      • Virtualenv: New environment
        • Location: ./venv
        • Base Interpreter: ...bin/python3.9 or AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe

PyCharm + Anaconda + Windows - create and activate virtual environment and install requirements

  • PyCharm > Preferences > Project > Python Interpreter
    • Project Interpreter > Show all > +
      • Conda: New environment
        • Location: ~\Anaconda3\envs\venv-dash-graph # ~ means home directory
        • Python version: 3.9
        • Conda executable: ~\Anaconda3\Scripts\conda.exe # ~ means home directory


Tasks are listed in file tasks.txt and are visible on each branch. Tasks are listed in README.md in master branch but not on other branches.

Final step of task 1: checkout task 2 by switching to git branch challenge2

Command line:

git switch challenge2  

PyCharm GUI:

  • Git > Branches... > Checkout tag or revision > challenge2

Task 2: First dash application

  • See https://dash.plotly.com/layout

  • Create a simple layout with a single <h1> and a single <div> element

  • Run the application from the command line (python bpaml_dash_graph.py)

  • Run the application from PyCharm using ctrl-shift-F10 (PC) or ctrl-shift-r (macOS)

  • Create a branch to commit your changes

    git checkout -b mytask2attempt              # -b creates a branch. GUI: Git > Branches... > New Branch
    git commit -a -m "my task 2 solution"       # -a adds all changes before commit. GUI: Commit tab (top left).
    • If GUI commit tab is not visible in top left then might need to turn on new behaviour in PyCharm. GUI: File > Settings... > Version Control > Commit > Non-modal commit
  • Checkout task 3 and compare differences

    git checkout challenge3                     # check out branch called challenge3 (similar to switch)
    git diff challenge2 challenge3              # show what has changed between challenge2 and challenge3. GUI: Log

Task 3: Dropdown menu for list of countries

  • Code from meetup053 has been added into a class in data_cache.py. Initialise using:

    import data_cache
    data = data_cache.DataCache()
  • Get DataFrame from DataCache.df_for_case_type()

  • Get all unique countries from column "Country/Region" in DataFrame

  • Sort the countries in place

  • Create an html.Label with the text "Country"

  • Create a dash_core_components Dropdown with

    • id="input-country",
    • value="" (initial selection),
    • options= list of dictionaries for the countries. "label" is what is shown, "value" is what is returned to app
      • [{"label": "Australia", "value": "Australia"}, {"label": "New Zealand", "value": "New Zealand"}]
  • Create a branch to commit your changes

    git checkout -b mytask3attempt
    git commit -a -m "my task 3 solution"
  • Checkout task 4

    git switch challenge4

Task 4: Use callbacks on Dropdown menu to change text in div.

  • See https://dash.plotly.com/basic-callbacks

  • Create a html.Div with the initial text empty and an id of "text-selected-country"

  • Create a function which takes the country name and returns "You have selected {country}"

  • Use the @app.callback decorator to call the function when "value" of "input-country" changes and stores result in "children" of "text-selected-country"

  • Commit your changes to your own branch and checkout challenge 5

    git checkout -b mytask4attempt
    git commit -a -m "my task 4 solution"
    git switch challenge5

Task 5: Use selected country to filter Dropdown for state

  • Create an html.Label with the text "State/Province"

  • Create a dash_core_components Dropdown with

    • id="input-state",
    • value="" (initial selection),
    • options= list of dictionaries for the states [{"label": state, "value": state}, ...]
  • Use the @app.callback decorator to call a function when "value" of "input-country" changes and stores result in "options" of "input-state"

  • Define a function in utilities.py called location_name(country=None, state=None) which returns location name

  • Also change update_text_selected_country() to take two input values. Use function location_name in utilities.py

  • Commit your changes to your own branch and checkout task6

    git checkout -b mytask5attempt
    git commit -a -m "my task 5 solution"
    git switch challenge6

Task 6: Draw covid days doubling chart based on selected country and state

  • figure_cumulative_doubling has been provided from meetup053

  • add a dash_core_components Graph object with id="graph-doubling-days" and a figure=fig_for_location(data=data)

  • define a function update_graph(country, state) which returns a figure based on selected country and state

  • Use the @app.callback decorator to call the function when "value" of "input-country" or "input-state" changes

  • Commit your changes to your own branch and checkout 7

    git checkout -b mytask6attempt
    git commit -a -m "my task 6 solution"
    git switch challenge7

Task 7: Provide an input and a callback for Averaged Days select between 1 and 10

  • add a dash_core_components Slider object with id="input-averaged-days", min, max, value, marks {"1":"1", "2":"2", ...}

  • modify update_graph to take an additional argument averaged_days

  • Commit your changes to your own branch and checkout challenge 8

    git checkout -b mytask7attempt
    git commit -a -m "my task 7 solution"
    git switch challenge8

Task 8: Provide a callback for Starting Number

  • add a dash_core_components Input object with id="input-num-start", min=1, value=100, type="number"

  • modify update_graph to take an additional argument num_start

  • if num_start is blank then use default value in fig_for_location function

  • Commit your changes to your own branch and checkout challenge 9

    git checkout -b mytask8attempt
    git commit -a -m "my task 8 solution"
    git switch challenge9

Task 9: Provide a callbacks for Case Type and Graph Type

  • add dash_core_components RadioItems for id="input-case-type" and id="input-yaxes-type"

  • default case_type is "confirmed", default yaxes_type is "log"

  • options for case_type [{"label": "confirmed", "value": "confirmed"}, ] for confirmed, recovered, deaths

  • options for yaxes_type are linear or log

  • labelStyle={"display": "inline-block"}

  • Divide input fields into 3 divs with style={"breakInside": "avoid"}, all inside one div with style={"columnCount": 3}

  • Commit your changes to your own branch and checkout challenge 10

    git checkout -b mytask9attempt
    git commit -a -m "my task 9 solution"
    git switch challenge10

Task 10: Add "active" as another case type. Add checkboxes for doubling guides

  • data_cache.py has been modified to accept "active" as a case type (from meetup096).

  • figure_cumulative_doubling.py has been modified to accept list of days for drawing doubling guides

  • https://dash.plotly.com/dash-core-components/checklist

  • add case type "active" to RadioItems "input-case-type"

  • add dash_core_components CheckList for id="input-doubling-guides"

  • options for doubling guides [{"label": str(days), "value": days}, ] for 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12

  • use inline-block labels

  • initial value [6, 12]

  • Commit your changes to your own branch and checkout master to see the solution

    git checkout -b mytask10attempt
    git commit -a -m "my task 10 solution"
    git switch master