
Flask web application to list prime ministers of Australia

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MeetUp 152 - Beginners Python and Machine Learning - Tue 9 Aug 2022 - flask web application



Learning objectives:

  • Use Python virtual environments in PyCharm Community Edition IDE
  • Use git to check out source from a code repository and move between branches
  • Create a web application using python, flask and sqlite3 to list prime ministers in Australia

@author D Tim Cummings

Set up using IDE

Running flask run works because of .flaskenv file and python-dotenv in requirements.txt

Set up using command line

git clone https://github.com/timcu/bpaml-prime-minister.git  # copy repository from github to your computer
cd bpaml-prime-minister                                      # change directory into the project directory
git checkout task1                                           # start with flask boilerplate code ready for task 1

Create virtual environment in Windows

py -m venv venv                                              &:: create the virtual environment
venv\Scripts\Activate.bat                                    &:: activate the virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt                              &:: install the third party libraries

Create virtual environment in Mac or Linux

python3 -m venv venv                                         # create the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate                                     # activate the virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt                              # install the third party libraries

Create virtual environment in Anaconda

conda create --name venv-bpaml-prime-minister python         # create the virtual environment
conda activate venv-bpaml-prime-minister                     # activate the virtual environment
conda install --name venv-dash-graph --file requirements.txt # install the third party libraries

Alternative method to run flask app in PyCharm by editing Configurations... from Run menu

Name: prime minister
Module name: flask  # Remember to change Script to Module
Parameters: run
Working directory: select bpaml-prime-minister so it has full path

Challenge 1: Add a page for view_prime_ministers

  1. Create a template called list_minister.html which currently shows <h2>People who have held this ministry</h2>
  2. Create a function view_prime_ministers() which calls render_template("list_minister.html") with suitable title
  3. Add hyperlink to nav bar
git checkout -b task1attempt  # create a branch to save your attempt
git commit -a -m "my attempt" # save your changes to this branch so they can be retrieved later if desired
git checkout task1soln        # switch to a tag/branch to see the solution
git diff task1 task1soln      # to see what has changed in creating the solution

When you have finished looking at the difference between task1 and task1soln, get ready for task2

git checkout task2            # to get ready for doing task 2

Demo 2:

  1. Create a run configuration to init-db
  2. List all prime ministers in a table
select distinct p.id, p.vc_common_name, p.vc_surname, p.date_birth, p.vc_birth_place, p.date_death 
from tbl_person p inner join tbl_ministry m on p.id=m.id_person 
where m.vc_ministry=?
order by p.vc_surname asc, p.vc_common_name asc
ministers = pm_db.execute(sql, (ministry,)).fetchall()

Challenge 2: List all people in database in list_person.html

  1. Add sql to prime_minister.view_persons() function and pass results to render_template
  2. Create a table in list_person.html with a loop to repeat the rows
select distinct p.id, p.vc_common_name, p.vc_surname, p.date_birth, p.vc_birth_place, p.date_death 
from tbl_person p
order by p.vc_surname asc, p.vc_common_name asc
git checkout -b task2attempt  # create a branch to save your attempt
git commit -a -m "my attempt" # save your changes to this branch so they can be retrieved later if desired
git checkout task3            # switch to a branch to see the solution and be ready to start task 3
git diff task2 task3          # to see what has changed in creating the solution. <space> to page. q to quit

Challenge 3: Show list of recreations in view_person.html

  1. tbl_recreation has a foreign key id_person which joins to tbl_person id
  2. tbl_recreation has a varchar field vc_recreation which contains the name of the recreation
  3. Add sql in prime_minister.view_person(id_person) to find the list of recreations
  4. Pass the list of recreations to render_template('view_person.html')
  5. Modify view_person.html to list any recreations
sql = """select * from tbl_recreation where id_person=?"""
recreations = pm_db.execute(sql, (person['id'],)).fetchall()
git checkout -b task3attempt  # create a branch to save your attempt
git commit -a -m "my attempt" # save your changes to this branch so they can be retrieved later if desired
git checkout task4            # switch to a branch to see the solution and be ready to start task 4
git diff task3 task4          # to see what has changed in creating the solution.

Challenge 4: Add functionality for view_deputy_prime_ministers

  1. Add hyperlink to nav bar "Deputy Prime Ministers"
  2. Create a function view_ministers(ministry=PRIME_MINISTER, page_title=None) called by view_prime_ministers() and view_deputy_prime_ministers()
git checkout -b task4attempt  # create a branch to save your attempt
git commit -a -m "my attempt" # save your changes to this branch so they can be retrieved later if desired
git checkout task5            # switch to a tag/branch to see the solution plus demo 5 and be ready to start task 5
git diff task4 task5          # to see what has changed in creating the solution plus demo 5. 

Demo 5: Add a form to list_person.html so user can search on person's name

Challenge 5: Add authentication to application so users can log in.

  1. Table already exists in database
  2. Follow instructions in tutorial at https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.2.x/tutorial/views/
  3. Table is tbl_user with fields (id, vc_username, vc_password). Table in tutorial is user with fields (id, username, password)
git checkout -b task5attempt  # create a branch to save your attempt
git commit -a -m "my attempt" # save your changes to this branch so they can be retrieved later
git checkout task6            # switch to a tag/branch to see the solution and be ready to start task 6
git diff task5 task6          # to see what has changed in creating the solution. 

Challenge 6: Keep search form populated after clicking search button

git checkout -b task6attempt  # create a branch to save your attempt
git commit -a -m "my attempt" # save your changes to this branch so they can be retrieved later
git diff task6 task6soln      # to see what has changed in creating the solution. 

Challenge 7: Create files so that app can be packaged and installed

  1. See https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.2.x/tutorial/install/
  2. Create setup.py
  3. Create MANIFEST.in
  4. pip install wheel
  5. python setup.py bdist_wheel
  6. pip install -e .

Challenge 8: In template view_person.html show marriages in Life between birth and death

  • Examples view_person.html
  • e.g. "Married 1981 to Margie Aitken and had 3 children"
  • If not actually married num_year_marriage will be None.
  • e.g. "Partnered with Tim Matheison and had 0 children"
  • Modify function view_person(id_person) in __init__.py to pass marriages to template
  • Use a union sql statement because we need to search id_person and id_person_partner.
  • The following sql uses named bindings.
sql = """select id, id_person, id_person_partner, num_children, num_year_marriage
         from tbl_marriage where id_person=:id_person
         select id, id_person_partner, id_person, num_children, num_year_marriage
         from tbl_marriage where id_person_partner=:id_person
         order by num_year_marriage asc"""

Challenge 9: In view_person.html add a table of concurrent ministries under table of ministries.

  • A concurrent ministry is one which was occurring at the same time as the person's ministry
  • eg While John Howard was prime minister there were three deputy prime ministers
    • Tim Fischer Deputy from 11-Mar-1996 to 20-Jul-1999
    • John Anderson Deputy from 20-Jul-1999 to 06-Jul-2005
    • Mark Vaile Deputy from 06-Jul-2005 to 03-Dec-2007
  • Modify function view_person(id_person) in __init__.py
  • Modify template view_person.html
  • Pseudocode:
    • For each ministry period find other people's ministries which had some overlap.
    • Aggregate and remove duplicates from this list of ministries
    • Show the other ministries in order of start date.