
cleanup temporary files

blshkv opened this issue · 2 comments

version 0.92.0
after running the following command:
gopro-dashboard.py --video-time-end file-modified --use-gpx-only --gpx ./Afternoon_Ride.gpx --layout-xml ./layout.xml ./20230614175306_00822.MP4 ./20230614175306_00822_out2.MP4
it were the following two files left over in my system:
/tmp/{tmpqaxw5ryg, tmpt2f2c4es}

Please make sure that all temporary files are removed

Hi. Thanks for using the software and taking time to report a defect.
This is not a priority.


Python tempfile

mkstemp() and mkdtemp are lower-level functions which require manual cleanup.

So basically you either need to use a high level function (with delete=True option), or add a specific code to delete the file.