
A version of the NIST Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF), in Markdown


NIST Secure Software Development Framework

This is a version of the NIST SSDF but in Markdown, this is just so if you want to copy it into your own company Wiki for whatever reason, you can just copy the markdown here, and paste it into your wiki, or you could just link to the markdown here in GitHub.

This could be useful, if you wanted to make links to particular sections, which is hard to do in a PDF.

Links to sections

Sections, at least in GitHub flavoured markdown, will have an anchor, so can be linked directly, for example: nist-ssdf-practices.md#po11


How to use

View the raw page, copy it and paste it into your own company wiki, then you have an internal, linkable version.


If you are copying this into Confluence - you cannot copy and paste the GitHub Raw view directly into confluence, it will be rendered as code. Instead, paste it first into Notepad, then from notepad into confluence.

Confluence link anchors have a slightly different form than on GitHub.

No association or sponsorship

This version of the document is not endorsed by, associated with, or sponsored by NIST.

No warranty

Although reasonable care was taken in the transcription, no warranty is given that this is a true copy of the original document, or for any other purpose.


The content was extracted from the PDF with pdftotext then marked up.

References in table 1 were removed, to make the text more amenable to being put in a webpage.

Appendix A was removed.

Further Information

The NIST SSDF homepage is at https://csrc.nist.gov/Projects/ssdf
