
Towards Horizontally Scalable Kubernetes Controllers (Lightning Talk)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Towards Horizontally Scalable Kubernetes Controllers (Lightning Talk)

Netlify Status

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This is a lightning talk by @timebertt at Cloud Native Rejekts 2023 in Amsterdam (event schedule).

You can find the full project belonging to this talk here: kubernetes-controller-sharding.


Kubernetes controllers use a leader election mechanism to determine a single active instance out of multiple controller replicas to prevent uncoordinated and conflicting actions. Only the current leader performs reconciliations, other instances are on standby. Reconciliations cannot be distributed among multiple controller instances, hence Kubernetes controllers cannot be scaled horizontally. But how are your operators supposed to handle thousands of API objects?

As large-scale cluster and operator deployments are getting more widespread, there is an unanswered ask to overcome this scalability limitation. This talk takes you on a journey towards horizontally scalable Kubernetes controllers by introducing a design for Kubernetes controller sharding.

Presenting and Editing the Slides

Slides are built in Markdown using reveal.js, packaged with webpack, and deployed with netlify.


Install a recent node version. Preferably, the one specified in .node-version.

brew install node

Present Locally

Perform a production build and serve the slides from the dist folder:

NODE_ENV=production npm run build
npm run serve

Important: Set NODE_ENV=production to yield the same build outputs as in production deploys to netlify. If you don't set it, the QR will link to a local IP instead of the canonical URL, for example.

Edit Locally

Run a dev server with hot-reload and open the slides in the browser:

npm start

Alternatively, use the preconfigured start run configuration for JetBrains IDEs.

Now, start editing the content files. When saving, slides are automatically rebuilt and refreshed in the browser.

Note, that npm start doesn't write the output to dist.

Build Locally

Run a full build and write output files to dist:

npm run build

Now, output files can be inspected in the dist folder. Also, the slides can be served locally from the dist folder (no hot-reload):

npm run serve

Using the above will output non-minimized files. Set NODE_ENV=production to enable minimization as it is done in netflify builds:

NODE_ENV=production npm run build

Netlify Deploys

Netlify builds and publishes new commits to the master branch on https://talk-controller-sharding-lightning.netlify.app/.

https://github.com/timebertt/talks contains a netlify proxy configuration to make the slides available at https://talks.timebertt.dev/controller-sharding-lightning/.

The netlify site is configured to publish deploy previews for pull requests to the master branch and for pushes to arbitrary other branches.