
arma 3 docker server

Primary LanguageShell

Arma III

How to use this image?

docker run -it \
	-v $PWD/keys:/arma3/keys \
	-v $PWD/mods:/arma3/mods \
	-v $PWD/mpmissions:/arma3/mpmissions \
	-v $PWD/server:/server \
	-v $PWD/params:/arma3/params \
	-v $PWD/profiles:/profiles \
	-p 2302-2305:2302-2305/udp \

Sample credentials.sh file

This file supplies your steam login credentials to docker at image build time. It is removed from the image before completion of the build.

echo "STEAM_USERNAME=your_steam_username; \

Sample params file

This file contains arma3 server launch params. It is provided at runtime.
