
Observable notebooks as R htmlwidgets

Primary LanguageHTML

Lifecycle: experimental R build status


The goal of this package is to allow the use of Observable notebooks (or part of them) as htmlwidgets in R.

Note that it is not an iframe embedding a whole notebook -- cells are <div>s included directly in your document. You can choose what cells to display, update cell values from R, and add observers to cells to get their values back into a Shiny application.

This package is in early stage of development.


  • Display an entire published notebook as an htmlwidget
  • Display specific cells of a published notebook as an htmlwidget
  • Use R data to update cell values
  • Add observers on cell values to get them back inside a Shiny app
  • Use inside Shiny app or Rmarkdown document (as any htmlwidget)


  • Only published notebooks can be used (but you may fork and publish any notebook in Observable)
  • Only named cells can be displayed by name, but you can reference unnamed cells by index (1-based), or you can fork the notebook and name the cell in Observable




For an introduction and examples, see the introduction to robservable vignette.

For a small gallery of interesting notebooks, see the robservable gallery vignette (work in progress).

For usage in Shiny, see the robservable in Shiny applications vignette (work in progress)