
A GUI to post on Reddit

Primary LanguageGo


This little go project to allow a team of moderators to post a link with a "community" user.


We need TWO Reddit apps:

  1. One web app to authenticate mods

  2. One script app to submit, the developer must be the "community" user.

  3. Create an .env config via cp .env.template .env

  4. Edit .env config with:

    1. SUBREDDIT= your subreddit
    2. LOGLEVEL= as you wish (2 = Error, 4 = Info, 5 = Debug)
    3. USERAGENT= User Anget of your app (Reddit wants it)
    4. R_CLIENT_ID= the script application ID (something like abcd0efgh12345)
    5. R_CLIENT_SECRET= the script application secret (usually longer then the ID)
    6. R_USERNAME= the username of your "community" user
    7. R_PASSWORD= the password of your "community" user
    8. O_CLIENT_ID= the web application ID
    9. O_CLIENT_SECRET= the web application secret
    10. O_HOST= the base url for your web application

Note: the redirect uri configured in Reddit must be O_HOST + \callback

That's it, now every moderator of SUBREDDIT with "mail" permission (or "all" permission), can use the interface to post as R_USERNAME.


git clone https://github.com/timendum/notiziabot.git
cd notiziabot
go install
go build

Then expose to the internet port 3000 via Nginx, Apache, Caddy or similar.