
laravel controller to easy create crud page

Primary LanguageHTML

Laravel Admin Crud

Laravel Controller extended, to easier create crud page.

Limitation and Requirement

  • Laravel 5.1
  • Mysql/Mariadb database
  • Bootstrap css framework
  • only 1 crud on one page


Add to composer.json

	"require": {
        "timenz/crud": "dev-master"

To add support WYSIWYG and image field type add this other two repository that forked from guillermomartinez and kevbaldwyn, and the composer requirement become:

	"require": {
        "timenz/crud": "dev-master",
        "timenz/filemanager-laravel": "dev-l5.1",

then update

composer update

add to $app['providers']


and to $app['aliases']

    'ImageSrc'  => \KevBaldwyn\Image\Providers\Laravel\Facades\Image::class,

publish view and asset

php artisan vendor:publish

Javascript Libs Dependency

	"bootstrap": "~3.3.0",
	"bootstrap-datepicker": "1.3.0",
    "chosen": "~1.4.2",
    "eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker": "~4.17.37"

Master blade view, this view basically from bootstrap sample page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <meta name="description" content="">
    <meta name="author" content="">

    <title>Crud Master Example</title>

    <link href="{{ asset('libs/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="{{ asset('libs/bootstrap-datepicker/css/datepicker3.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="{{ asset('assets/css/bootstrap-chosen.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

    <link href="{{ asset('assets/css/navbar-fixed-top.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">




<div class="container-fluid">



<script src="{{ asset('libs/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('libs/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('libs/chosen/chosen.jquery.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('libs/bootstrap-datepicker/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js') }}"></script>


Mininal code example

create resource route

Route::resource('article', 'ArticleCrud');

then create controller


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Timenz\Crud\Crud;

class ArticleCrud extends Crud{

    protected function run(){
        $this->init('article', 'crud_master', []);

        return true;



[wajib] Main init

// parameter => table name, master blade and parameter for master blade


set crud title //parameter => crud title $this->setTitle('Article Crud');


Limit permission of crud

//parameter L = list


Specify fields in listing at index page.

//parameter => array of fields 


Specify validate rules, rules that used in this validation is same as default laravel validation rules and you can follow reference from laravel documentation

	'title' => 'required',


Specify fields at create, edit dan read page



Modify title of field

$this->displayAs('title', 'The Title');


Specify fields at create page



Specify fields at edit page



Specify fields at read page



Filters visible data by using sql where

//parameter => field, condition, value
$this->where('id', '=', 1);


Set a 1-n database relationship, this function only can be use for relation that refers to another table on field 'id', example field 'id_user' from initial table refers to field 'id' on target table.

// parameter
// 1. field from initial table that refers to target table
// 2. another table that want to join to
// 3. field name from refered table that want to set visible on initial field
// 4. 'where' array to limit join data
$this->setJoin('id_user', 'users', 'full_name');


Set order listing data

//parameter 1. field name, 2. sort (asc/desc)
$this->orderBy('id', 'asc');


Set a custom column value in listing data

$this->callbackColumn('field_name', function($row, $val){
	return number_format($val);


Provide some operation before saving data

	$post_data['password'] = Hash::make($post_data['password']);
	return $post_data;


Provide some operation before update data

	$post_data['password'] = Hash::make($post_data['password']);
	return $post_data;


Add custom action other than read, edit and delete

addAction('Action', 'btn btn-success', function($row_data, $id){
	return url('action/'.$id);


Add static link to crud page

addExternalLink('Custom Link', url('link'));


By default package will set the field type by type at table definition, but we can change the field type to another custom field type. This function has 3 parameter.

  1. Field name
  2. Change type
  3. Change type option in array

To avoid coding error, I have created two classes to specify available change type and change type option parameter.


This is third parameter of changeType function, here some available ChangeType option :

  • value or ChangeTypeOption::VALUE, default value of field, for example you can see hidden field type
  • allow_update, if you are not specify this option to true, then the edit page will not change this field value
  • target_dir, used for image and file to set directory to save the file in public directory
  • select_option, list of option for enum and select type of field


hide the field

$this->changeType('field_name', 'hidden', ['value' => 1]);	
$this->changeType('field_name', ChangeType::HIDDEN, [ChangeTypeOption::VALUE => 1]);

available option is 'value' and


field type with number formated display

$this->changeType('field_name', 'money');


$this->changeType('field_name', 'textarea');


dropdown/select field type

$this->changeType('field_name', 'enum', ['select_option' => ['yes', 'no'] ]);


dropdown/select field type

$option = array(
	'0' => 'yes',
	'1' => 'no'
$this->changeType('nama_field', 'enum', $option);
$this->changeType('field_name', 'enum', ['select_option' => ['yes', 'no'] ]);