
Feed Me is a Craft CMS plugin which makes it easy to import entries and entry data from XML, RSS or ATOM feeds. Feeds can be setup as a task in Craft's CP, or called on-demand for use in your twig templates.

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Feed Me

Feed Me is a Craft plugin for super-simple importing of content, either once-off or at regular intervals. With support for XML, RSS, ATOM or JSON feeds, you'll be able to import your content as Entries, Categories, Craft Commerce Products (and variants), and more.


  • Import data from XML, RSS, ATOM or JSON feeds, local or remote.
  • Import into Entries (Free), Categories, Users, and Commerce Products (Pro only).
  • Feeds are saved to allow easy re-processing on-demand, or to be used in a Cron job.
  • Simple field-mapping interface to match your feed data with your element fields.
  • Duplication handling - control what happens when feeds are processed again.
  • Uses Craft's Task service to process feeds in the background.
  • Database backups before each feed processing.
  • Troubleshoot feed processing issues with logs.
  • Grab feed data directly from your twig templates.
  • Craft 2.5+ compatible.

Third-party ElementTypes and FieldTypes

We're compiling a list of supported third-party ElementTypes and FieldTypes via https://github.com/engram-design/FeedMe-Helpers. Theses are meant to be reference-only, and should be forwarded on to plugin developers to integrate. Of course, if you have development know-how, you can implement them yourselves.

Please create issues on this repository if you'd like support for a particular ElementType or FieldType.


Visit our Plugin page for all documentation, a getting started guide, template tags, and developer resources.

Thanks / Contributions

Bob Olde Hampsink and his amazing work on the Import plugin, Clearbold for Craft Import, along with all the great users who have helped provide feedback, testing and bug reports.

Pixel & Tonic for their amazing support, assistance, and of course for creating Craft.


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