- mkdir timevortex_v2
- mkvirtualenv timevortex_v2 --python=/usr/bin/python3
- sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev
- sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev sqlite3
- pip install django requests python-dateutil pytz django-admin-tools psutil pyserial
- mkdir /var/log/timevortex
- sudo apt-get install socat git-flow
- pip install flake8 pylint django_nose behave_django pylint-django coverage prospector nose-exclude
- [BLOCKED] pip install clonedigger django-fluent-dashboard django-admin-tools-stats
- mkdir /tmp/timevortex
- Create Django apps:
- django-admin startproject timevortex
- python manage.py startapp weather
- python manage.py startapp hardware
- python manage.py startapp energy
- python manage.py startapp stubs
- python manage.py makemigrations weather
- python manage.py migrate
- python manage.py collectstatic
- python manage.py createsuperuser --settings=timevortex.settings.local
- timevortex / timevortex_Admin
- Manage project
- python manage.py timevortex --commit "Your commit message" --settings=timevortex.settings.local
- sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:snappy-dev/tools
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install snapcraft
- snapcraft init (create a yml file)
- snapcraft stage (retrieve source and install dependencies)
- snapcraft snap (build snap)
- snapcraft (build final snap package)
- sudo apt-get install snapd
- sudo snap install timevortex_2.0.1_amd64.snap --devmode --force-dangerous
- sudo snap try prime --devmode
- cp /vagrant/snapcraft.yaml . && cp /vagrant/timevortex-prepare . && snapcraft clean && snapcraft && sudo snap try prime --devmode
- Prod :
- Put snap folder in timevortex folder
- Install ubuntu 16.04 on raspberry
- Test daily-report
- Test backup in USB key
- Test currentcost live
- Remove develop branch in snapcraft.yml
- Migrate data to new currentcost
- Setup raspberry pi installation at home
- [BLOCKED] django-admin-tools-stats is not python 3 compatible
- Documentation
- Update documentation for this project
- Generate documentation from code
- Generate document from .rst file
- CSV crawler
- Finance (CSV)
- Garmin data (CSV)
- Fitbit (API) => http://python-fitbit.readthedocs.org/en/latest
- Withing (API) => https://github.com/maximebf/python-withings
- Jawbone (API) => http://kiefer.readthedocs.org/en/latest
- Runkeeper (API)
- Hardware
- Retrieve CPU data
- Retrieve Memory data
- Retrieve HDD data
- Global
Split command into several celery job
Refactor metear script to include celery script to crawl the page and collect data. Then create a json element with "siteID", "variableID", "values" = [(value, date, dsttimezone, nondsttimezone)] that send 48 values to TSL with only one message. Store it into a CSV file and into DB. This should improve time to retrieve data and improve performance. Wait to install performance tracking before improving this script.
Use petl to manipulate data.
- Create à fonction that take into paramètres à matrix of variable and date and insert easily data in DB and send message over the network.
- | var1 | var2 |time1 | value1 | value2 |time2 | value3 | value4 |
Use vagrant David config
- Technology
- Microservice with python and django, microservice django
- Docker, host docker image
- Idea:
- Force user to register with gmail account. Use this gmail account to send email for daily report. Email account should be sender and receiver
- Use google SSO to register a user and retrieve information about him
- Define a flow to register and configure an account into timevortex paltform and create functional tests based on this flow
- user should select a city where he actually leaves. City selection propose lang and unit that user want to use. By default lang is browser language, unit is metrics system
- UI:
- Chart with aggregation to 3 months (temperature, kWh, split hp/hc)
- Chart with aggreggation to 1 month (temperature, kWh, split hp/hc)
- Chart per week
- Chart per day
- Use cases:
- CRUD user into platform
- CRUD site information
- CRUD sensor (adding a sensor create several variables. User is free to add or not a variable)
- CRUD variables
- Link variable to a room or to a site
- Choose representation (timeline or site plan with top view and all variable all around)
- Optional : A variable is the combination of several variable
- Adding a sensor :
- Choice by brand and model
- Define parameter for the sensor
- List of generated variable
Use django as plugin provider to reduce time to create a plugin and simplify deployment
Each django app should create a django command that use RBMQ and define a REST API to retrieve data
Create a Django app per thematics like weather, electricity, finance, health
Create a Djnago stubs app for stubs that could be activated by settings
- Être quelqu'un qui aide les gens à y voir plus clair dans leurs données
- Proposer un système automatique de collecte et d'analyse de différents types de données
- Proposer des simulations pour améliorer certains points
- Faire la liste des points qui pourraient être améliorer
- Proposer un blog autour des améliorations possibles
- Proposer des jeux afin de se connaitre mieux
- Ces jeux doivent être ouvert à tous sous excell par exemple
- Apprendre en s'amusant pour attirer les gens
- Ensuite rendre une solution packages pour automatiser tous ça
- Ouvrir un blog sur le quantified self est essayé de le démocratiser