
example of authenticator element not rendering correctly

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT

The Project

The YouTube videos and Developer’s Guide are slightly out of date with respect to this template. This template now uses Pathom for server-side mutation and query handling. See amplifytest/server_components/pathom_wrappers.clj and amplifytest/model/user.clj for the macro definitions and examples of how to define query resolution and mutations on the server-side. The defmutation AND defresolver in this project look like defn instead of Fulcro’s.
This is a Tools Deps Project. The project.clj file is ONLY for uberjar generation. If you’re opening this project in IntelliJ, open deps.edn, NOT project.clj.

Dependency Aliases:

You will want to enable the :dev dependency while developing this project. In IntelliJ this is in the "Clojure Deps" border tab window under "Aliases".

The main project source is in src/main.

├── Makefile                              Simple UNIX make. `make` will run clj/cljs CI tests
├── karma.conf.js                         CLJS CI tests run through karma
├── package.json                          JS ecosystem dependencies
├── project.clj                           Project config file
├── resources
│   └── public
│       ├── favicon.ico                   Placeholder favicon
│       ├── js
│       │   └── test
│       │       └── index.html            For accessing fulcro-spec tests in dev mode
│       └── workspaces.html               For accessing workspaces
├── shadow-cljs.edn                       Shadow-CLJS Compiler config
└── src
    ├── dev
    │   └── user.clj                      Dev-time functions for controlling web server
    ├── main
    │   ├── amplifytest
    │   │   ├── client.cljs               Base client definition
    │   │   ├── development_preload.cljs  Code that will load early in the browser at dev time.
    │   │   ├── server_components
    │   │   │   ├── config.clj            Mount component to load server config (see Fulcro config)
    │   │   │   ├── http_server.clj       Mount component for http kit server
    │   │   │   └── middleware.clj        Main middleware for your web server
    │   │   ├── server_main.clj           CLJ Main for running server from uberjar
    │   │   └── ui
    │   │       ├── components.cljs       A place to put random components
    │   │       └── root.cljs             The root of the main CLJS UI
    │   └── config
    │       ├── defaults.edn              Base config file. Sets defaults loaded by server.
    │       ├── dev.edn                   Dev-time server config. Can override/disable things like SSL
    │       └── prod.edn                  Production config. Can enable things like proxy support.
    ├── test
    │   └── amplifytest
    │       └── sample_spec.cljc          A sample spec that runs against clj AND cljs
    └── workspaces
        └── amplifytest
            └── demo_ws.cljs           Sample workspace card.

Setting Up

The shadow-cljs compiler uses all cljsjs and NPM js dependencies through NPM. If you use a library that is in cljsjs you will also have to add it to your package.json.

You also cannot compile this project until you install the ones it depends on already:

$ npm install

or if you prefer yarn:

$ yarn install

Adding NPM Javascript libraries is as simple as adding them to your package.json file and requiring them! See the [the Shadow-cljs User’s Guide](https://shadow-cljs.github.io/docs/UsersGuide.html#_javascript) for more information.

Development Mode

Shadow-cljs handles the client-side development build. The file src/main/amplifytest/client.cljs contains the code to start and refresh the client for hot code reload.

In general it is easiest just to run the compiler in server mode:

$ npx shadow-cljs server
INFO: XNIO version 3.3.8.Final
Nov 10, 2018 8:08:23 PM org.xnio.nio.NioXnio <clinit>
INFO: XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.3.8.Final
shadow-cljs - HTTP server for :test available at http://localhost:8022
shadow-cljs - HTTP server for :workspaces available at http://localhost:8023
shadow-cljs - server version: 2.7.2
shadow-cljs - server running at http://localhost:9630
shadow-cljs - socket REPL running on port 51936
shadow-cljs - nREPL server started on port 9000

then navigate to the server URL (shown in this example as http://localhost:9630) and use the Builds menu to enable/disable whichever builds you want watched/running.

Shadow-cljs will also start a web server for any builds that configure one. This template configures one for workspaces, and one for tests:

See the server section below for working on the full-stack amplifytest itself.

Client REPL

The shadow-cljs compiler starts an nREPL. It is configured to start on port 9000 (in shadow-cljs.edn).

In IntelliJ: add a remote Clojure REPL configuration with host localhost and port 9000.

then something like:

(shadow/nrepl-select :main)

will connect you to the REPL for a specific build (NOTE: Make sure you have a browser running the result, or your REPL won’t have anything to talk to!)

If you’re using CIDER see [the Shadow-cljs User’s Guide](https://shadow-cljs.github.io/docs/UsersGuide.html#_cider) and the comments in deps.edn for more information.

The API Server

In order to work with your main application you’ll want to start your own server that can also serve your application’s API.

Start a LOCAL clj nREPL in IntelliJ (using IntelliJ’s classpath with the dev alias selected in the Clojure Deps tab), or from the command line:

$ clj -A:dev -J-Dtrace
user=> (start)
user=> (stop)
user=> (restart) ; stop, reload server code, and go again
user=> (tools-ns/refresh) ; retry code reload if hot server reload fails

The -J-Dtrace adds a JVM argument that will enable performance tracing for Fulcro Inspect’s network tab so you can see how your resolvers and mutations are performing!

The URL to work on your application is then [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000).

Hot code reload, preloads, and such are all coded into the javascript.

The server comes pre-secured with CSRF protection. If you have trouble getting the client to talk to the server make sure you’ve read and understood the security section of the Developer’s Guide.


There is a preload file that is used on the development build of the application amplifytest.development-preload. You can add code here that you want to execute before the application initializes in development mode.

Fulcro Inspect

Fulcro inspect will preload on the development build of the main application and workspaces. You must install the plugin in Chrome from the Chrome store (free) to access it. It will add a Fulcro Inspect tab to the developer tools pane.


Tests are in src/test. Any test namespace ending in -test will be auto-detected.

└── amplifytest
    └── sample_test.cljc          spec runnable by client and server.

You can write plain deftest in here, and it is preconfigured to support the helper macros in fulcro-spec as well.

Running tests:

Clojure Tests

Typically you’ll just run your tests using the editor of choice (e.g. Run tests in namspace in IntelliJ).

The tests are also set up to run with Kaocha at the command line for your convenience and CI tools:

$ clj -A:dev:clj-tests --watch

See the Kaocha project for more details.

Clojurescript tests

The tests can be run in any number of browsers simply by navigating to the test URL that shadow-cljs outputs.

CI support is done through the ci-test build in shadow, and via Karma.

If you start the ci-tests build in Shadow-cljs, then you can also run cljs tests in a terminal "watch mode" with:

npx karma start

Of course, this make CLJS CI easy:

npx shadow-cljs compile ci-tests
npx karma start --single-run

Running all Tests Once

There is a UNIX Makefile that includes all of the CI commands as the default target. Just run:



Workspaces is a project by Nubank that is written in Fulcro, and has great support for developing in Fulcro. It is similar to devcards but has a more powerful user interface, integration with Fulcro Inspect, and much more.

The source directory for making additions to your workspace is src/workspaces.

Any namespace ending in -ws will be auto-detected.

Workspaces and CSRF

The server comes preconfigured with CSRF protection. As such, a token must be embedded in the HTML for a client to be able to connect. If you want to run full-stack Fulcro cards, then you’ll need that token.

The middleware included in this template can serve a workspaces HTML page that has the correct token. The URI is /wslive.html. So, if your server is configured for port 3000 you’d access your workspaces via http://localhost:3000/wslive.html.

Be careful with production deployment. You may want to disable this HTML file and make sure your workspaces js file isn’t deployed to production.

Standalone Runnable Jar (Production, with advanced optimized client js)

This project includes a project.clj file that is configure for building an Uberjar.

The only purpose of the project.clj file is uberjar generation, since at the time of this release depstar wasn’t fully sufficient IMO (no AOT compile or manifest generation).
lein uberjar
java -jar target/amplifytest.jar