
A GUI wrapper for `gcloud` command to manage IAP tunnels.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

IAP Tunnel Helper

A GUI wrapper for gcloud command to manage IAP tunnels.

It's a poc for Tauri GUI application development


IAP(Identity-Aware Proxy) is a security feature of Google Cloud Platform.

It can create a tunnel to forward local port to remote GCE instance port.

Document: https://cloud.google.com/iap/docs/tcp-forwarding-overview

It's useful in debug or maintenance. The command looks like:

gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel \
  --project <GCP_PROJECT_ID> \
  --zone <GCE_INSTANCE_ZONE> \
  --local-host-port localhost:<LOCAL_PORT> \

When your instances are located multi-zone. It's annoying to specific <GCE_INSTANCE_PORT>.

You can create multi tunnels to forward different GCE Instance in different projects.

Initial project

Install rust


In MacOS

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

Install node npm, and yarn


npm install --global yarn

Install node packages

In project directory


Development mode

In project directory

yarn tauri dev

# or 



Debug mode

yarn run tauri build --debug

# or

make build

Application will be created in src-tauri/target/debug.

Release mode

yarn run tauri build

# or

make release

Application will be created in src-tauri/target/release.


If you're build on the MacOS platform, it would mount a volume to create dmg.

If it does not unmount automatically, you should unmount the volume before build, or you will build fail.

Application Usage

  1. Install gcloud CLI, follow the official document: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install
  2. Init gcloud command, login your google account.
  3. Open the application, it will load your environment variable and call gcloud automatically.