
Ruby client for the Contentful Content Management API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version Build Status

Ruby client for the Contentful Content Management API.

Contentful provides a content infrastructure for digital teams to power content in websites, apps, and devices. Unlike a CMS, Contentful was built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enable developers and content creators to ship digital products faster.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'contentful-management'



Some examples can be found in the examples/ directory or you take a look at this extended example script.


At the beginning the API client instance should be created for each thread that is going to be used in your application:

require 'contentful/management'

client = Contentful::Management::Client.new('access_token')

The access token can easily be created through the management api documentation.


Retrieving all spaces:

spaces = client.spaces.all

Retrieving one space by ID:

blog_space = client.spaces.find('blog_space_id')

Destroying a space:


Creating a space:

blog_space = client.spaces.new
blog_space.name = 'Blog Space'


blog_space = client.spaces.create(name: 'Blog Space')

or in the context of the organization (if you have multiple organizations within your account):

blog_space = client.spaces.create(name: 'Blog Space', organization_id: 'organization_id')

If you want to create a default locale different from en-US:

blog_space = client.spaces.create(name: 'Blog Space', default_locale: 'de-DE')

Updating a space:

blog_space.update(name: 'New Blog Space')


blog_space.name = 'New Blog Space'


Retrieving all environments:

environments = client.environments('space_id').all

Or if you already have a fetched space:

environments = space.environments.all

Retrieving one environment by ID:

environment = client.environments('space_id').find('master')

Destroying a environment:


Creating an environment:

environment = client.environments('space_id').new
environment.id = 'dev'
environment.name = 'Development'


environment = client.environments(space_id).create(id: 'dev', name: 'Development')

Creating an evironment with a different source:

environment = client.environments(space_id).create(id: 'dev', name: 'Development', source_environment_id: 'other_environment')

Updating a environment:

environment.update(name: 'New Blog environment')


environment.name = 'Dev'


Retrieving all assets from the environment:

blog_post_assets = environment.assets.all

Retrieving an asset by id:

blog_post_asset = environment.assets.find('asset_id')

Creating a file:

image_file = Contentful::Management::File.new
image_file.properties[:contentType] = 'image/jpeg'
image_file.properties[:fileName] = 'example.jpg'
image_file.properties[:upload] = 'http://www.example.com/example.jpg'

Creating an asset:

my_image_asset = environment.assets.create(title: 'My Image', description: 'My Image Description', file: image_file)

or an asset with multiple locales

my_image_localized_asset = environment.assets.new
my_image_localized_asset.title_with_locales= {'en-US' => 'title', 'pl' => 'pl title'}
my_image_localized_asset.description_with_locales= {'en-US' => 'description', 'pl' => 'pl description'}
en_file = Contentful::Management::File.new
en_file.properties[:contentType] = 'image/jpeg'
en_file.properties[:fileName] = 'pic1.jpg'
en_file.properties[:upload] = 'http://www.example.com/pic1.jpg'
pl_file = Contentful::Management::File.new
pl_file.properties[:contentType] = 'image/jpeg'
pl_file.properties[:fileName] = 'pic2.jpg'
pl_file.properties[:upload] = 'http://www.example.com/pic2.jpg'
asset.file_with_locales= {'en-US' => en_file, 'pl' => pl_file}

Process an asset file after create:


Updating an asset:

  • default locale
my_image_asset.update(title: 'My Image', description: 'My Image Description', file: image_file)
  • another locale (we can switch locales for the object, so then all fields are in context of selected locale)
my_image_asset.locale = 'nl'
my_image_asset.update(title: 'NL Title', description: 'NL Description', file: nl_image)
  • field with multiple locales
my_image_asset.title_with_locales = {'en-US' => 'US Title', 'nl' => 'NL Title'}

Destroying an asset:


Archiving or unarchiving an asset:


Checking if an asset is archived:


Publishing or unpublishing an asset:


Checking if an asset is published:


Checking if has been updated from last published version:


File Uploads

Creating an upload from a file path:

upload = client.uploads('space_id').create('/path/to/file.md')

Alternatively, create it from an ::IO object:

File.open('/path/to/file.md', 'rb') do |file|
  upload = client.uploads('space_id').create(file)

Finding an upload:

upload = client.uploads('space_id').find('upload_id')

Deleting an upload:


Associating an upload with an asset:

# We find or create an upload:
upload = client.uploads('space_id').find('upload_id')

# We create a File object with the associated upload:
file = Contentful::Management::File.new
file.properties[:contentType] = 'text/plain'
file.properties[:fileName] = 'file.md'
file.properties[:uploadFrom] = upload.to_link_json  # We create the Link from the upload.

# We create an asset with the associated file:
asset = client.assets('space_id', 'environment_id').create(title: 'My Upload', file: file)
asset.process_file  # We process the file, to generate an URL for our upload.


Retrieving all entries from the environment:

entries = environment.entries.all

Retrieving all entries from the environment with given content type:

entries = environment.entries.all(content_type: content_type.id)


entries = content_type.entries.all

Retrieving an entry by ID:

entry = environment.entries.find('entry_id')

Creating a location:

location = Location.new
location.lat = 22.44
location.lon = 33.33

Creating an entry:

  • with a default locale
my_entry = blog_post_content_type.entries.create(post_title: 'Title', assets_array_field: [image_asset_1, ...], entries_array_field: [entry_1, ...], location_field: location)
  • with multiple locales
my_entry = blog_post_content_type.entries.new
my_entry.post_title_with_locales = {'en-US' => 'EN Title', 'pl' => 'PL Title'}

Updating an entry:

  • with a default locale
  • with another locale
entry.locale = 'nl'
  • with multiple locales
my_entry.post_title_with_locales = {'en-US' => 'EN Title', 'pl' => 'PL Title'}

Destroying an entry:


Archiving or unarchiving the entry:


Checking if the entry is archived:


Publishing or unpublishing the entry:


Checking if the entry is published:


Checking if the entry has been updated from last publish:


Entries created with empty fields, will not return those fields in the response. Therefore, entries that don't have cache enabled, will need to make an extra request to fetch the content type and fill the missing fields. To allow for content type caching:

  • Enable content type cache at client instantiation time
  • Query entries through environment.entries.find instead of Entry.find(environment_id, entry_id)

Content Types

Retrieving all content types from a environment:

blog_post_content_types = environment.content_types.all

Retrieving all published content types from a environment:

blog_post_content_types = environment.content_types.all_published

Retrieving one content type by ID from a environment:

blog_post_content_type = environment.content_types.find(id)

Creating a field for a content type:

title_field = Contentful::Management::Field.new
title_field.id = 'blog_post_title'
title_field.name = 'Post Title'
title_field.type = 'Text'


blog_post_content_type.fields.create(id: 'title_field_id', name: 'Post Title', type: 'Text')
  • if the field_id exists, the related field will be updated.

or the field of link type:

blog_post_content_type.fields.create(id: 'my_entry_link_field', name: 'My Entry Link Field', type: 'Link', link_type: 'Entry')

or the field of an array type:

items = Contentful::Management::Field.new
items.type = 'Link'
items.link_type = 'Entry'
blog_post_content_type.fields.create(id: 'my_array_field', name: 'My Array Field', type: 'Array', items: items)

Deleting a field from the content type:


Creating a content type:

environment.content_types.create(name: 'Post', fields: [title_field, body_field])


blog_post_content_type = environment.content_types.new
blog_post_content_type.name = 'Post'
blog_post_content_type.fields = [title_field, body_field]

Destroying a content type:


Activating or deactivating a content type:


Checking if a content type is active:


Updating a content type:

blog_post_content_type.update(name: 'Post', description: 'Post Description', fields: [title_field])



Takes an array of values and validates that the field value is in this array.

validation_in = Contentful::Management::Validation.new
validation_in.in = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
blog_post_content_type.fields.create(id: 'valid', name: 'Testing IN', type: 'Text', validations: [validation_in])


Takes optional min and max parameters and validates the size of the array (number of objects in it).

validation_size = Contentful::Management::Validation.new
validation_size.size = { min: 10, max: 15 }
blog_post_content_type.fields.create(id: 'valid', name: 'Test SIZE', type: 'Text', validations: [validation_size])


Takes optional min and max parameters and validates the range of a value.

validation_range = Contentful::Management::Validation.new
validation_range.range = { min: 100, max: 150 }
blog_post_content_type.fields.create(id: 'valid', name: 'Range', type: 'Text', validations: [validation_range])


Takes a string that reflects a JS regex and flags, validates against a string. See JS Reference for the parameters.

validation_regexp = Contentful::Management::Validation.new
validation_regexp.regexp = {pattern: '^such', flags: 'im'}
blog_post_content_type.fields.create(id: 'valid', name: 'Regex', type: 'Text', validations: [validation_regexp])


Takes an array of content type ids and validates that the link points to an entry of that content type.

validation_link_content_type = Contentful::Management::Validation.new
validation_link_content_type.link_content_type =  ['post_content_type_id']
blog_post_content_type.fields.create(id: 'entry', name: 'Test linkContentType', type: 'Entry', validations: [validation_link_content_type])


Takes a MimeType group name and validates that the link points to an asset of this group.

validation_link_mimetype_group = Contentful::Management::Validation.new
validation_link_mimetype_group.link_mimetype_group = 'image'
content_type.fields.create(id: 'asset', validations: [validation_link_mimetype_group])


Validates that a value is present.

validation_present = Contentful::Management::Validation.new
validation_present.present = true
content_type.fields.create(id: 'number', validations: [validation_present])


Validates that the property is a link (must not be a valid link, just that it looks like one).

validation_link_field = Contentful::Management::Validation.new
validation_link_field.link_field  = true
content_type.fields.create(id: 'entry', validations: [validation_link_field])


Retrieving all locales from the environment:

blog_post_locales = environment.locales.all

Retrieving one locale by ID from the environment:

blog_post_locale = environment.locales.find(locale_id)

Creating a locale:

environment.locales.create(name: 'German', code: 'de-DE')

Creating a locale with fallback:

environment.locales.create(name: 'German', code: 'de-DE', fallback_code: 'en-US')

Updating a locale:

blog_post_locale.update(name: 'German', code: 'de-DE')

Updating a locale with fallback:

blog_post_locale.update(name: 'German', code: 'de-DE', fallback_code: 'en-US')

Destroying a locale:



Retrieving all roles from the space:

blog_post_roles = blog_space.roles.all

Retrieving one role by ID from the space:

blog_post_role = blog_space.role.find(role_id)

Creating a role:

role_attributes = {
  name: 'My Role',
  description: 'foobar role',
  permissions: {
    'ContentDelivery': 'all',
    'ContentModel': ['read'],
    'Settings': []
  policies: [
      effect: 'allow',
      actions: 'all',
      constraint: {
        and: [
            equals: [
              { doc: 'sys.type' },
            equals: [
              { doc: 'sys.type' },

Updating a role:

blog_post_role.update(name: 'Some Other Role') # Can change any attribute here

Destroying a role:



Retrieving all webhooks from the space:

webhooks = blog_space.webhooks.all

Retrieving one webhook by ID from the space:

blog_post_webhook = blog_space.webhooks.find(webhook_id)

Creating a webhook:

  name: 'My Webhook',
  url: 'https://www.example.com',
  httpBasicUsername: 'username',
  httpBasicPassword: 'password'

Updating a webhook:

blog_post_webhook.update(url: 'https://www.newlink.com')

Destroying a webhook:


Creating a webhook with custom headers and custom topics:

  name: 'Entry Save Only',
  url: 'https://www.example.com',
  topics: [ 'Entry.save' ],
  headers: [
      key: 'X-My-Custom-Header',
      value: 'Some Value'

Webhook Calls

Retrieving all webhook call details from a webhook:

all_call_details = my_webhook.webhook_calls.all

Retrieving one webhook call detail by ID from a webhook:

call_details = my_webhook.webhook_calls.find(call_id)

Webhook Health

Retrieving webhook health details from a webhook:

health_details = my_webhook.webhook_health.find

Space Memberships

Retrieving all space memberships from the space:

memberships = blog_space.space_memberships.all

Retrieving one space membership by ID from the space:

blog_post_membership = blog_space.space_memberships.find(membership_id)

Creating a space membership:

  admin: false,
  roles: [
      'sys' => {
        'type' => 'Link',
        'linkType' => 'Role',
        'id' => 'my_role_id'
  email: 'foobar@example.com'

Updating a space membership:

blog_post_membership.update(admin: true)

Destroying a space membership:



Retrieving all organization details:

organizations = client.organizations.all

Usage Periods (ALPHA)

Note: This feature is available only to Commited v2 customers.

Retrieving all Usage Periods for an Organizations you belong to:

usage_periods = client.usage_periods('organization_id').all

Alternatively, if you have an already fetched organization:

usage_periods = organization.usage_periods().all()


Note: This feature is available only to Commited v2 customers.

Retrieving all API Usage statistics for an Organizations during a given usage period, broken down by organization for all APIs:

# Valid usage types are by 'organization' and by 'space'.
# Usage period IDs are numerical and can be fetched from the Usage Periods API.
# Valid API breakdowns are: 'cda', 'cpa', 'cma' or 'all_apis'.
usage = client.api_usage('organization_id').all('organization', usage_period_id, 'all_apis')

Alternatively, if you have an already fetched organization:

# Breaking down CMA usage by space, for a given period.
usage = organization.api_usage().all('space', usage_period_id, 'cma')


Retrieving current user details:

user = client.users.me

UI Extensions

Retrieving all UI extensions from the environment:

extensions = environment.ui_extensions.all

Retrieving one UI extension by ID from the environment:

blog_post_extension = environment.ui_extensions.find(extension_id)

Creating a UI extension:

  extension: {
    'name' => 'My extension',
    'src' => 'https://www.example.com',
    'fieldTypes' => [{"type": "Symbol"}],
    'sidebar' => false

Destroying a UI extension:


API Keys

Retrieving all API keys from the space:

blog_post_api_keys = blog_space.api_keys.all

Retrieving one API key by ID from the space:

blog_post_api_key = blog_space.api_keys.find(api_key_id)

Creating an API key:

blog_space.api_keys.create(name: 'foobar key', description: 'key for foobar mobile app')

Creating an API key with multiple environments:

  name: 'foobar key - multiple environments',
  description: 'key for foobar app',
  environments: [
      sys: {
        type: 'Link',
        linkType: 'Environment',
        id: 'master'
      sys: {
        type: 'Link',
        linkType: 'Environment',
        id: 'staging'

Preview API Keys

Retrieving all Preview API keys from the space:

blog_post_preview_api_keys = blog_space.preview_api_keys.all

Retrieving one Preview API key by ID from the space:

blog_post_preview_api_key = blog_space.preview_api_keys.find(api_key_id)

If you already have an API key fetched, you can retrieve the Preview API key from it:

blog_post_preview_api_key = blog_post_api_key.preview_api_key

Personal Access Tokens

Retrieving all personal access tokens:

tokens = client.personal_access_tokens.all

Retrieving one personal access token by ID:

token = client.personal_access_tokens.find(token_id)

Creating a personal access token:

client.personal_access_tokens.create(name: 'foobar key', scopes: ['content_management_manage'])

Revoking a personal access token:


Editor Interface

Retrieving editor interface for a content type:

blog_post_editor_interface = blog_post_content_type.editor_interface.default

You can call the EditorInterface API from any level within the content model hierarchy, take into account that you'll need to pass the IDs of the levels below it.

Hierarchy is as follows: No Object -> Environment -> ContentType -> EditorInterface

Entry Snapshots

Retrieving all snapshots for a given entry:

snapshots = entry.snapshots.all

Retrieving a snapshot for a given entry:

snapshot = entry.snapshots.find('some_snapshot_id')

Content Type Snapshots

Retrieving all snapshots for a given content type:

snapshots = content_type.snapshots.all

Retrieving a snapshot for a given content type:

snapshot = content_type.snapshots.find('some_snapshot_id')


environment.entries.all(limit: 5).next_page
environment.assets.all(limit: 5).next_page
environment.entries.all(limit: 5).next_page


Logging is disabled by default, it can be enabled by setting a logger instance and a logging severity.

client = Contentful::Management::Client.new('access_token', logger: logger_instance, log_level: Logger::DEBUG)

Example loggers:


The default severity is set to INFO and logs only the request attributes (headers, parameters and url). Setting it to DEBUG will also log the raw JSON response.

Raise Errors

If :raise_errors is set to true, an Exception will be raised in case of an error. The default is false, in this case a Contentful::Management::Error object will be returned.

client = Contentful::Management::Client.new('access_token', raise_errors: true)

Content Type Cache

This allows for fetching content types for your environment at client instantiation time, which prevents extra requests per entry. To enable this, in your client instantiation do:

client = Contentful::Management::Client.new(token, dynamic_entries: {'my_space_id' => 'my_environment_id'})

You can enable the cache for as many environments as you want. If no environment is added, content types will be fetched upon environment find.

To completely disable this feature, upon client instantiation do:

client = Contentful::Management::Client.new(token, disable_content_type_caching: true)

Proxy Support

This allows for using the CMA SDK through a proxy, for this, your proxy must support HTTPS and your server must have a valid signed certificate.

To enable this, in your client instantiation do:

PROXY_HOST = 'localhost'

# Just host/port
client = Contributing::Management::Client.new(
  proxy_host: PROXY_HOST,
  proxy_port: PROXY_PORT

# With username/password
client = Contributing::Management::Client.new(
  proxy_host: PROXY_HOST,
  proxy_port: PROXY_PORT,
  proxy_username: 'YOUR_USERNAME',
  proxy_password: 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

Rate limit management

With the following configuration options you can handle how rate limits are handled within your applications.


To increase or decrease the retry attempts after a 429 Rate Limit error. Default value is 1. Using 0 will disable retry behaviour. Each retry will be attempted after the value (in seconds) of the X-Contentful-RateLimit-Reset header, which contains the amount of seconds until the next non rate limited request is available, has passed. This is blocking per execution thread.


Maximum time to wait for next available request (in seconds). Default value is 60 seconds. Keep in mind that if you hit the houly rate limit maximum, you can have up to 60 minutes of blocked requests. It is set to a default of 60 seconds in order to avoid blocking processes for too long, as rate limit retry behaviour is blocking per execution thread.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/contentful-management/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request