
XYZ geotile libraries across a variety of languages

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Library for mapping latitude / longitude pairs into XYZ geo buckets at different zoom level resolutions using a low complexity algorithm that makes it suitable for high scale processing. Follows the Open Street Maps / Google Maps algorithm for tile divisions (see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tiles) for low impedence use with those systems.

Available in C#, JavaScript, and Python under the MIT license. Pull requests gladly welcomed for other languages.

Example Usage in JavaScript (for other languages see tests)

Map latitude, longitude, zoom level to tileId

Tile.tileIdFromLatLong(36.9719, -122.0264, 10);

==> '10_398_164'

Get tile object from tile id


==> {
  id: '10_398_164',
  zoom: 10,
  row: 398,
  column: 164,
  latitudeNorth: 37.16031654673676,
  latitudeSouth: 36.87962060502677,
  longitudeWest: -122.34375,
  longitudeEast: -121.9921875,
  centerLatitude: 37.01996857588176,
  centerLongitude: -122.16796875

Get tile ids for a range of zoom levels

Tile.tileIdsForZoomLevels(36.9719, -122.0264, 10, 12);

==> [

Get tile ids for bounding box at zoom level', function(done) {

    north: 37.16,
    east: -121.99,
    south: 36.88,
    west: -122.34
}, 11);

==> [

Get children for tile id


==> [

Get children for tile id at a zoom level

Tile.childrenForTileIdAtZoom('10_398_164', 12);

==> [

Get neighbors for tile id


==> [