
API for creating GitHub bots and webhooks in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


API for creating GitHub bots and webhooks in Python.

Note: If you want to make use of GithubApp.app_client() or GithubApp.installation_client(), you need to install PyGithub>=1.58.

Quickstart (Webhook)

  1. Create a new Smee channel on https://smee.io
  2. Install smee-client (e.g. yarn global add smee-client)
  3. Run smee -u <SMEE_CHANNEL_URL> -P /event-handler -p 5000
  4. Create a Python script with the below contents and run it
from github_bot_api import Event, Webhook
from github_bot_api.flask import create_flask_app

def on_any_event(event: Event) -> bool:
  return True

webhook = Webhook(secret=None)
webhook.listen('*', on_any_event)

import os; os.environ['FLASK_ENV'] = 'development'
flask_app = create_flask_app(__name__, webhook)

Quickstart (Application)

  1. Create a GitHub App, including a private key
  2. Set the APP_ID and PRIVATE_KEY_FILE environment variables
  3. Run the following Python script
import os
from github_bot_api import GithubApp

with open(os.environ['PRIVATE_KEY_FILE']) as fp:
  private_key = fp.read()

app = GithubApp(


Combined Example

# ...

app = GithubApp(...)
webhook = Webhook()

def on_pull_request(event: Event) -> bool:
  client = app.installation_client(event.payload['installation']['id'])
  repo = client.get_repo(event['repository']['full_name'])
  pr = repo.get_pull(event['pull_request']['number'])
  pr.create_issue_comment('Hello from my own bot!')
  return True

# ...