
Colour palettes for better scientific visualizations

Primary LanguagePython

Colour palettes for better scientific visualizations

This repo contains XML files for most of the colour maps on the SciVisColor Website. Clone or download the repo, add to your Matlab path, and start making great visualizations! The above linked website has great tips to help you get started. Feel free to download more of their colourmaps into the cmaps/ folder. Check out the examples directory to get started.

Colour maps

The available colour maps are shown here: Available colour maps

MATLAB usage

The Matlab functions support three usage patterns:

  • palettes plots all available colourmaps (e.g. figure above)
  • palette_cmap=palettes(cmap_name) returns a 128-by-3 array suitable to use as a matlab colourmap, e.g. colormap(palette_cmap).
  • palette_cmap=palettes(cmap_name,N) returns an N-by-3 array as in the previous usage case.

Python usage

The Python module has two functions and simply wraps the script cm_xml_to_matplotlib function provided by SciVisColor. Import the module as

from palettes.code import palettes

The two functions are:

  • palette_cmap=palettes.get_cmap(cmap_name) returns a matplotlib linear segmented colormap to pass on to matplotlib functions, e.g. plt.pcolormesh(xx,yy,Z,cmap=palette_cmap).
  • palettes.show() plots all available colourmaps

You can also execute the file palettes.py directly (python palettes.py) to create the figure showing available colourmaps


The following example shows the albedo on Kaskawulsh Glacier using an asymmetrical wave colourmap. This figure is created by the test_cm.m script. Albedo on Kaskawulsh Glacier