
Surface energy balance model code and examples

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This repository contains surface energy balance (SEB) and subsurface model (SSM) code written in Matlab, developed for Kaskawulsh and Naluday (Lowell) Glaciers, St. Elias Mountains, Yukon.

The code is in the code/ directory, while the examples/ directory includes the necessary input files and script to model melt on Kaskawulsh Glacier in the 2018 melt season.



Simply clone the repository and add the path to your Matlab path,


Running the model

The model is run using the run_seb.m script in the code/ directory. This script takes as input a single structure sim, with fields given in Table 1. Table 2 describes the meteorological forcing the model requires to run, and table 3 lists all default parameters and options.

The model saves outputs with a frequency given by sim.params.deltat. Each output has fields given in Table 4. The model outputs melt in units of meters of ablation, not meters of water equivalent. To convert outputs to meters of water equivalent, multiple by sim.params.rhoice/1000.

Table 1: Attributes of sim structure to run the SEB model.

Attribute Description
sim.paths.output Directory to save outputs into. Directory must exist.
sim.paths.dem Path to .mat file containing digital elevation model. Must have attributes dem.Z, surface elevation in m; dem.l, DEM grid spacing in m; dem.xx and dem.yy, arrays of x and y coordinates in m.
sim.paths.albedo Optional: Path to .mat file containing surface albedo map (must be same shape as DEM). If not given, model uses constant albedo given by sim.params.albedo (see default values table)
sim.forcing Matlab structure with attributes given in Table 2.
sim.params Structure containing any non-default parameters to run model with (see default values table). You will typically specify at least sim.params.lat, the latitude of the glacier; sim.params.tout, the frequency of model outputs; and sim.params.deltat, the frequency of the input meteorological forcing.

Table 2**: Meteorological attributes required to run the model, including units.

Attribute Units Description
forcing.T oC (celsius) Near-surface air temperature
forcing.RH % [0-100] Near-surface relative humidity
forcing.LWin W m-2 Incoming Longwave radiation at the elevation of the temperature and RH measurements
forcing.SWin W m-2 Incoming shortwave radiation incident on a horizontal surface
forcing.P Pa Air pressure at elevation of temperature measurements and with the specified temperature
forcing.u m s-1 Average wind speed
forcing.tt -- array of datetime objects representing the times of observations
forcing.t hours array of the decimal local solar time. E.g. 2:30 pm = 14.5.

Table 3: Default values and parameters for sim.params

Attribute Units Default value Description
sigma W m-2K-4 5.670374e-8 Boltzmann constant
eps_s -- 1.0 Ice surface emissivity
cp J kg-1 K-1 1.005e3 Specific heat capacity of air
cp_ice J kg-1 K-1 2.108e3 Specific heat capacity of ice
cond W m-1 K-1 2.09 Thermal conductivity of ice
diff_ice m2 s-1 cond/(rhoice*cp_ice) Thermal diffusivity of ice
rhoice kg m-3 850 Density of surface layer of ice
Lv J kg-1 2.264705e6 Latent heat of vaporization of water
Lf J kg-1 Latent heat of fusion of water
kvk -- 0.4 von Karman's constant
Rd J kg-1 K-1 287.058 Dry air ideal gas constant
Rv J kg-1 K-1 461.495 Water vapour ideal gas constant
g m s-2 9.81 Gravitational acceleration
alpha -- 0.35 Ice surface albedo, if not using spatially distributed albedo as an input
T_lapse_rate oC m-1 3.9770e-3 Temperature lapse rate (Positive means temperatures decrease with elevation)
z0 m 0.003 Momentum roughness length
z0H m 0.00003 Heat roughness length
z0E m 0.00003 Moisture roughness length
z m 1.5 Height above ice surface of temperature and RH measurements
T_elev m (asl.) 760.153 Elevation of temperature and RH measurements
H m 12 Depth below surface of deep ice temperature Tice used as boundary condition in subsurface model
Tice oC -3 Ice temperature at depth H
N_ssf -- 12 Number of vertical layers in subsurface model
dt_ssm s 900 Time step for subsurface model
cast_shadows bool true Switch to compute shading of glacier surface
run_subsurface_model bool true Switch to run subsurface model

Table 4: Attributes of model outputs.

Attribute Units Description
melt m Cumulative surface ablation
melt_SW m Cumulative surface ablation due to shortwave radiation
melt_LW m Cumulative surface ablation due to longwave radiation
melt_QE m Cumulative surface ablation due to sensible heat flux
melt_SH m Cumulative surface ablation due to latent heat flux
time -- datetime object
Qnet W m-2 Net energy balance
LWnet W m-2 Net longwave radiation
SWnet W m-2 Net shortwave radiation
QE W m-2 Net sensible heat flux
QH W m-2 Net latent heat flux
SWin W m-2 Direct incident shortwave radiation
LWin W m-2 Direct incident longwave radiation
LWout W m-2 Outgoing longwave radiation
Ts oC Mean surface temperature
albedo -- Surface albedo
QT W m-2 Warming heat flux
QM W m-2 Melting heat flux


The examples/kaskawulsh/ directory contains an example case and is a good place to start. This case models melt on Kaskawulsh Glacier in 2018, not including surface shading since that makes the model run much slower.