
Security Crawler for VersionEye

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Circle CI Dependency Status

VersionEye Security

This repo contains the security crawlers for VersionEye written in ruby. Currently this projects has data fetchers for:

Start the backend services for VersionEye

This project contains a docker-compose.yml file which describes the backend systems of VersionEye. You can start the backend systems like this:

docker-compose up -d

That will start:

  • MongoDB
  • RabbitMQ
  • ElasticSearch
  • Memcached

For persistence you should comment in and adjust the mount volumes in docker-compose.yml for MongoDB and ElasticSearch. If you are not interested in persisting the data on your host you can let it untouched.

Shutting down the backend systems works like this:

docker-compose down


All important configuration values are read from environment variable. Before you start VersioneyeCore.new you should adjust the values in scripts/set_vars_for_dev.sh and load them like this:

source ./scripts/set_vars_for_dev.sh

The most important env. variables are the ones for the backend systems, which point to MongoDB, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ and Memcached.

Install dependencies

If the backend services are all up and running and the environment variables are set correctly you can install the dependencies with bundler. If bundler is not installed on your machine run this command to install it:

gem install bundler

Then you can install the dependencies like this:

bundle install

Rake Tasks

Get a list of all rake tasks:

rake -T

Crawl for Java security vulnerabilities:

rake versioneye:crawl_java_security


The tests for this project are running after each git push on CircleCI! First of all a Docker image is build for this project and the tests are executed inside of a Docker container. For more details take a look to the Dockerfile and the circle.yml file in the root directory!

If the Docker containers for the backend systems are running locally, the tests can be executed locally with this command:


Make sure that you followed the steps in the configuration section, before you run the tests!

All Files covered to 95.82%.


For commercial support send a message to support@versioneye.com.

AGPL-v3 License

Copyright (c) 2016 VersionEye GmbH

The contents of this repository is available under the AGPL-v3 license, see the AGPL-3.0 for full details.