
A geographical community site for Django developers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

This is the codebase behind what used to be djangopeople.net and now lives at people.djangoproject.com.

If you want to add features or make big changes, please create a new issue first!


git clone git@github.com:brutasse/djangopeople.git
cd djangopeople
mkvirtualenv -p python2 djangopeople
pip install -r requirements.txt
add2virtualenv .
npm install
ln -s node_modules/.bin/grunt grunt

Check env/DATABASE_URL to configure a local DB.


python manage.py syncdb --noinput && python manage.py fix_counts
python manage.py runserver

The development server is now running on http://localhost:8000.

To run the tests:

python manage.py test

Deploying on Heroku

Set a bunch of environment variables:

  • DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE (set it to djangopeople.settings)
  • CANONICAL_HOSTNAME (e.g. people.djangoproject.com)


  • Add the redistogo addon

First deploy:

make initialdeploy

Subsequent deploys:

make deploy

Original README from Simon Willison:

This is an unmodified (except removal of secrets and API keys) dump of the code now running on djangopeople.net - the vast majority of which was developed between January and April 2008 by Simon Willison and Natalie Downe.

It originally ran on Django r7400, but has recently been updated for Django 1.1.

This code was not originally intended for public consumption, so there are probably one or two eyebrow raising design decisions. In particular, the machine tags stuff for user profiles was an ambitious experiment which I wouldn't mind seeing the back of.