
Fix for mounting disk issue during install (svartkanin made this just need something to clone into)

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains the files needed to fix "Mounting disk issue during install"

Credit goes to svartkanin

Downloading Archinstall

First, we need to get the latest version of archinstall. Guide at archinstall github page (or below here)

  1. You need a working network connection
  2. Install the build requirements with pacman -Sy; pacman -S git python-pip (note that this may or may not work depending on your RAM and current state of the squashfs maximum filesystem free space)
  3. Uninstall the previous version of archinstall with pip uninstall archinstall
  4. Now clone the latest repository with git clone https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall

Modifying Archinstall

  1. Download the fixed files with git clone https://github.com/timhagel/ArchFixMountingDiskIssue
  2. Cd to ArchFixMountingDiskIssue
  3. Move fixed diskinfo.py with mv diskinfo.py (wherever your archinstaller is)/archinstall/lib/disk
  4. Move fixed helpers.py with mv helpers.py (wherever your archinstaller is)/archinstall/lib/disk

Installing Archinstall

  1. Cd into wherever you put your archinstall
  2. Run pip install setuptools
  3. Build the project and install it using python setup.py install
  4. Start the installer with python -m archinstall
  5. Go through the installation process as normal