
Teaching myself kubernetes using minikube

Primary LanguageSmarty


Learning how to use Kubernetes using Minikube. ADDENDUM: Also learning Helm.


Hello Minikube (kubernetes.io)

Running Kubernetes Locally via Minikube (kubernetes.io)

Ingress (kubernetes.io)

Learn Kubernetes in Under 3 Hours: A Detailed Guide to Orchestrating Containers (freecodecamp.org)

Learning Kubernetes: Getting Started with Minikube (sweetcode.io)

Setting up Ingress on Minikube (medium.com)

Quickstart Guide (helm.sh)

Developing Charts (helm.sh)

The Chart Template Developer's Guide (helm.sh)

Chart Development Tips and Tricks (helm.sh)


  • Pod - the smallest unit of the Kubernetes object model. Typically is a single container, but can be multiple containers that need to share resources.
  • Deployment - orchestrates the creation, deletion, and updating of Pods.
  • Service - defines a set of Pods (using a Label Selector) and how to access them (e.g. exposing ports). Can be configured as a load balancer.
  • Ingress - exposes HTTP(S) routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster.

Getting Started

Install kubectl, minikube, virtualbox

brew install kubernetes-cli
brew cask install minikube virtualbox

Start minikube in a new VirtualBox instance:

minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox

Enable some addons:

minikube addons enable ingress
minikube addons enable registry-creds

Add an entry to /etc/hosts for ingress:

# IP of minikube vm (use `minikube ip`) kube.test

Helpful Commands

Open a minikube dashboard to visually inspect the cluster:

minikube dashboard

Open a service in the browser (not sure what happens if there are multiple ports defined):

minikube service xxx

Kill the minikube vm:

minikube stop

Submitting a specification to the cluster:

kubectl create -f xxx.yaml

Updating an existing specification:

kubectl apply -f xxx.yaml

Deleting a specification:

kubectl delete pod xxx
kubectl delete svc xxx
kubectl delete deployment xxx
kubectl delete ing xxx

Inspecting pods, deployments, and services in the cluster:

kubectl get pod
kubectl describe pod xxx

kubectl get svc
kubectl describe svc xxx

kubectl get deployments
kubectl describe deployments.apps xxx

kubectl get ingress
kubectl describe ing xxx

Creating a port-forward to a specific Pod (could be handy for testing):

kubectl port-forward xxx 8080:80
# ports are [pod]:[host]

Zero-downtime deployment / rollback:

kubectl apply -f xxx.yaml --record
kubectl rollout status deployment xxx

# rollback
kubectl rollout history deployment xxx
kubectl rollout undo deployment xxx --to-revision=N

Using local docker images:

eval $(minikube docker-env)
# AFAIK submitting an unchanged spec is a no-op, so I've been incrementing a version tag for every build
docker build -t xxx:v1 .
# use the tag in the pod/deployment spec

Tailing logs from multiple pods using kubetail:

kubetail xxx