A VTK port of the PowerCrust surface reconstruction algorithm
(input points, output surface, output medial surface)
Assuming your project is already using VTK, just add vtkPowerCrustSurfaceReconstruction.cxx and .h to your project.
- 2001: Paper and code by Nina Amenta, Sunghee Choi and Ravi Krishna Kolluri: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/amenta/powercrust/welcome.html
- 2002-06-28: Tim Hutton ports to VTK.
- 2003-03-31: Corrections for cross-platform compatibility (and VTK 4.2 support) from Bruce Lamond.
- 2003-12-15: An instance can now be used multiple times, some memory leaks corrected. These changes from Dieter Pfeffer and Oliver Moss at www.eprosoft.de.
- 2014-04-28: Arash Akbarinia cleans up the code and fixes memory leaks.
- 2017-11-14: Bugfix from Alessandro Volz.