
A syntax analyzer for the Jack language. Project 10 of the nand2tetris course.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Jack Analyzer

Reads a syntactically valid Jack program file/dir and outputs XML that represents the parse tree. The Jack grammar and syntax can be viewed on slides 15-16 here.

This is project 10 of the nand2tetris course.



Reads in command line arg for dir/files with Jack programs and writes the parse tree to an XML file


Reads and tokenizes a Jack file for use by the compilation engine.

Method Args Return Function
constructor filename:string Jack file or dir
getLine Returns string if file contains more lines. Else false gets a line from the file and removes any white space/comments
hasMoreTokens Boolean Do we have more tokens?
advance sets the current token to the next token
tokenType TokenTypes enum KEYWORD, SYMBOL, IDENTIFIER, INT_CONST, STRING_CONST Returns the type of the token
keyWord TokenKeywords enum CLASS, METHOD, FUNCTION, CONSTRUCTOR, INT, BOOLEAN, CHAR, VOID, VAR, STATIC, FIELD, LET, DO, IF, ELSE, WHILE, RETURN, TRUE, FALSE, NULL, THIS Returns the keyword. Should only be called if tokenType() is KEYWORD
symbol string Returns the symbol. Should only be called if tokenType() is SYMBOL
identifier string Returns the identifier. Should only be called if tokenType() is IDENTIFIER
intVal Number Returns the integer constant. Should only be called if tokenType() is INT_CONST
stringVal string Returns the string constant. Should only be called if tokenType() is STRING_CONST


Parses Jack programs and generates an XML parse tree.

Method Args Return Function
constructor inputFile:string
Creates a new instance with the given input Jack program and writes the XML data to the given output.
compileClass Compiles a complete class
compileClassVarDec Compiles a static/field declaration/s
compileSubroutineDec Compiles a constructor/method/function declaration
compileParameterList Compiles a possiblly empty subroutine parameter list not including the parentheses
compileSubroutineBody Compiles a subroutine body including the curly braces
compileVarDec Compiles a local variable declaration
compileStatements Compiles a sequence of statements
compileLetStatement Compiles an let (assignment) statement
compileIfStatement Compiles an if statement with an optional else
compileWhileStatment Compiles a while statement
compileReturnStatement Compiles a return statement
compileExpression Compiles an expression
compileTerm Compiles a term. Part of an expression
compileExpressionList Compiles an list of arguments
eat accepted:
Checks the current token is in the token whitelist. If true, advances to next token. Else throws error due to invalid syntax
getToken tokenType:TokenType token value Get the current token value given a token type
log string Logs the token seen in XML
logWrapper compileCb:method, tag:string Logs open/closing tags around a compileMethod
tokenOneOf accepted:
boolean Checks whether current token belongs to one of the given tokens

Build & Usage

npm install
node --experimental-modules JackTokenizer.mjs <dir|file>

XML files are written to the input dir with extension _tim.xml.


Each of the directories (Square, ExpressionLessSquare and ArrayTest) contain a set of verified XML files for each Jack program: xxxT.xml is a list of tokens classified by type and value. xxx.xml is the parse tree. Run regressTest.sh to validate the generated XML (xxx_tim.xml) against the correct XML files.