Node Chat app

A realtime chat app that lets users join rooms with the ability to send their location. Uses, node/express, jquery, moment, mustache and handlebars. This is a code along from Complete Node Develop course


My own additions to the project

  • chat history persisted to mongo
  • Email account confirmation, password reset and captcha
  • User login system (local and oauth) with account linking
  • Bundling server and client with webpack, refactoring to ES6 and eslinting
  • Join page shows a list of active rooms in a dropdown
  • Prevent clients joining a room with the same user name
  • Clients can leave room
  • Room names are case-insensitive
  • Trim spaces from room names and user names


Try it out


npm i
npm start


Facebook forces all oauth callback urls to use https which makes it impossible to login to a local server configured for http. To solve this, we can use the free service provided by that redirects to localhost. Using nginx, we can configure a https server to forward requests to our local server. Follow this guide to generate a self signed certifcate and setup nginx.

Sign up to Facebook developers and create a new app with Facebook Login. Under Facebook Login > Settings, type in the same callback url as the passport config eg. Copy the Client Id and secret into the .env file

For Twitter, the process is similar except it uses Consumer key and secret instead. Go to Twitter Apps.

For Google, create an app on Google Developers Console and follow this guide under Create authorization credentials to create a client id and secret.