
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 8.3.5.


A simple web page that pulls data from server and display them in the table. Users are allow to sort and filter every column Made by [Ayobami Idowu (]

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Code Structure

|-- src
| |-- carComponent
| | |-- car
| | | |-- carComponent.html
| | | |-- carComponent.ts
| | | |-- carComponent.css
| | |-- entity
| | | |-- car
| | |-- service
| | | |-- apiService
| | | |-- carService
| |-- carComponentTest
| | |-- carTest
| | | |-- carComponentTest
| | |-- entityTest
| | | |-- carTest
| | |-- serviceTest
| | | |-- apiServiceTest
| | | |-- carServiceTest
|-- app-routing.module.ts
|-- app.config.ts
|-- app.module.ts
|-- other angular created files

Code details

- apiService (service folder): has a method called get(). This method calls http get method. API Url is passed to the http          
  get method from app.config.ts using @Inject(). http get method fecthes data from the server and return an Observable
- carService (service folder): 
  -- methods are:
    - getCars(): which get all cars information by calling get() method in apiService. It returns Observable.
    - sortDataAscendMilleage(): sort car list in ascending order using mileage as the sort criteria returns Observable
    - sortDataDescendMilleage(): sort car list in descending order using mileage as the sort criteria returns Observable
    - sortDataAscendname(): sort car list in ascending order using name (car name) as the sort criteria returns Observable
    - sortDataDescendName(): sort car list in descending order using name (car name) as the sort criteria returns Observable
    - sortDataAscendModel(): sort car list in ascending order using model as the sort criteria returns Observable
    - sortDataDescendModel(): sort car list in descending order using model as the sort criteria returns Observable
    - sortDataAscendEngine(): sort car list in ascending order using engine as the sort criteria returns Observable
    - sortDataDescendEngine(): sort car list in descending order using engine as the sort criteria returns Observable
    - sortDataAscendColor(): sort car list in ascending order using color as the sort criteria returns Observable
    - sortDataDescendColor(): sort car list in descending order using color as the sort criteria returns Observable
    - filterByName(name:string): accept name (car name) as parameter. It filters car list by name (car name) return Observable
    - filterByMileage(mileage:number): accept mileage as parameter. It filters car list by mileage returns Observable
    - filterByModel(model:string): accept model as parameter. It filters car list by model and returns Observable
    - filterByEngine(engine:string): accept engine as parameter. It filters car list by engine and returns Observable
    - filterByColor(color:string): accept color as parameter. It filters car list by color and returns Observable
    - handleError(error: Response) : handles error return http get errors.
-car (entity folder): is the Car class. 
  methods are: getMileage(), setMileage(mileage:number), getName(), setName(name:string), getModel(), setModel(model:string),         
    getEngine(), setEngine(engine:string), getColor(), setColor(color:string)
- carComponent.ts: component in angular is like controller in MVC. fecthes data from carService by calling appropriate methods    
  and send carList to the carComponent.html for tabular view
  -- methods are:
    - ngOnInit(): calls getAllCars() method
    - onClickRefreshCarList(): refresh car list from the server by calling getAllCars() method
    - getAllCars(): fetch car list from the server
    - sortDownward($event): accept event from the html and calls appropraite method based on the value passed from the html
    - sortUpward($event): accept event from the html and calls appropraite method based on the value passed fromthe html
    - columnFilter(event: any)accept event from the html and calls appropraite method based on the value passed fromthe html
- carComponent.html: is the view. Display car list in the table. allows user filter or sort the list. User can also refresh     
      the list by clicking on the refresh button
- app.config.ts: stores the url to API. can be editted manually or by passing the url through the terminal using this variable        
-- CarComponentTest
  -- carTest
    -- carComponentTest
      -- entityTest
        -- carTest
      -- serviceTest
        -- apiServiceTest
        -- carServiceTest
        Well written test in Jasmine. 

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.