A Material Theme plugin for Jenkins.
This is an attempt to port the Afonso F's Jenkins material theme (http://afonsof.com/jenkins-material-theme/) to use Theme Manager plugin (https://github.com/jenkinsci/theme-manager-plugin#configuring-the-plugin). This should allow Jenkins administrators to easily switch themes and allow users to select their own theme.
Running (development)
To build and run this plugin you should only need to run:
mvn clean hpi:run
Development tools
Here is a list of the tools (and versions) I have in my development enviornment - outside of those handeled in the pom.xml. Java 11 Maven 3.5
To release a new version of this plugin, please follow these steps: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/developer/publishing/releasing/
I am not a front-end web or Java developer. The CCS in the project has mostly been copied from http://afonsof.com/jenkins-material-theme/. The Java in this project has modified from the dark theme plugin (https://github.com/jenkinsci/dark-theme-plugin).
Future work
- Add the ability for users to define custom theme pallets.
- Need to add tests to check:
- That when a theme is loaded through the UI, that the correct theme is loaded.
Thanks to
- Jenkins Material Theme for the original theme.
- jenkins-contrib-theme for the core theme
- Google for the the material design inspiration and the icons
- Material Design Icons for some extra icons
- Theme Manager for the base plugin.
- Dark Theme for Jenkins for a good example of using the theme manager.