
Testing RenderNode.remove() in

To get started, initialize the submodule:

git submodule update --init

Uses breadth first search to search down the scene graph, removing all nodes and unregistering items from Entity.

Currently Tested


One level

should find a single level surface
should find a single level modifier
shouldn't find a node not included in the tree

deep level

should find a nested surface.
should find a nested modifier.
should find a surface inside of a view
should find a surface inside of a view inside of a view
should find a surface inside of a view inside of a view inside of a view..


should remove a nested surface.
should unregister a nested surface from Entity.
should remove a portion of the render tree.
should remove a portion of the render tree inside of a view.
should remove a portion of the render tree inside of a view. Multiple surfaces.
should remove a portion of the render tree inside of a view. Multiple surfaces inside nested Views.
should unregister the portions of the render tree that were removed.

Remove From Live

should remove a surface.
should remove a portion of the render tree.
should remove a portion of the render tree.