
Tips and tricks for Robot Operating System

Primary LanguageC++


Tips and tricks for Robot Operating System. A few code snippets/functions that come in handy when developing with ROS.

Single message

Receive only one message on topic (usefull for configuraitons):

ros::NodeHandle nh;
sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr msg = ros::topic::waitForMessage<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>("/camera_info", nh, 10.0);

Get TF transform

Function that looks up the TF transform between parent and child frame and handles errors

bool getTransform(const std::string &refFrame, const std::string &childFrame, tf::StampedTransform &transform) {
	std::string errMsg;
	tf::TransformListener tf_listener;
	if (!tf_listener.waitForTransform(refFrame, childFrame, ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(0.6), ros::Duration(0.1), &errMsg)) {
		ROS_ERROR_STREAM("!!! transform | Unable to get pose from TF: " << errMsg);
		return false;
	} else {
		try {
			tf_listener.lookupTransform(refFrame, childFrame, ros::Time(0), transform);
		catch (const tf::TransformException &e) {
			ROS_ERROR_STREAM("!!! | Error in lookupTransform of " << childFrame << " in " << refFrame);
			return false;
	return true;

Quaternion to Yaw

How to get yaw from quaternion

double q0 = msg->pose.orientation.w;
double q1 = msg->pose.orientation.x;
double q2 = msg->pose.orientation.y;
double q3 = msg->pose.orientation.z;
double yaw = atan2(2 * (q0 * q3 + q1 * q2),1 - 2 * (q2 * q2 + q3 * q3)) + 3.14159;   

Publish Marker

Publish single marker sphere/arrow to topic

ros::Publisher pub_marker = nh.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("/markers", 10);
void publishMarker(double x, double y, int id, double color){
	visualization_msgs::Marker marker;
	marker.header.frame_id = "laser";
	marker.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
	marker.id = id;
	marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE;
	marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
	marker.pose.position.x = x;
	marker.pose.position.y = y;
	marker.pose.position.z = 0.1;
	marker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0;
	marker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0;
	marker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0;
	marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0;
	marker.scale.x = 0.1;
	marker.scale.y = 0.1;
	marker.scale.z = 0.1;
	marker.color.a = 0.8;
	marker.color.r = 1.0;
	marker.color.g = 1.0;
	marker.color.b = color;
	marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(0.5);

void publishMarkerArrow(double x, double y, double roll,double pitch, double yaw, int id){
	visualization_msgs::Marker marker;
	marker.header.frame_id = "laser";
	marker.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
	marker.id = id;
	marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW;
	marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
	marker.pose.position.x = x;
	marker.pose.position.y = y;
	marker.pose.position.z = 0.1;
	geometry_msgs::Quaternion q_msg = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromRollPitchYaw(roll,pitch,yaw);
	marker.pose.orientation = q_msg;
	marker.scale.x = 1;
	marker.scale.y = 0.02;
	marker.scale.z = 0.02;
	marker.color.a = 0.8;
	marker.color.r = 0.0;
	marker.color.g = 0.9;
	marker.color.b = 0.9;
	marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(0.5);

ROS CameraInfo to OpenCV matrices

Function that reads a message of type sensor_msgs::CameraInfo and saves camera matrix and distortion to matrices as are required by OpenCV functions.

	cv::Mat cameraMatrix;
   	cv::Mat distortionCoeffs;

	void camInfoCallback(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &msg){
	      std::vector<double> dist = msg->D;
	      cv::Mat distortionCoeffs_l = cv::Mat(1, msg->D.size(), cv::CV_64FC1, &dist[0]);

	      double cam_array[9];
	      std::copy(msg->K.begin(),msg->K.end(), std::begin(cam_array));
	      cv::Mat cameraMatrix_l = cv::Mat(3,3, CV_64FC1, &cam_array);

	      distCoeffs_l.copyTo(distCoeffs); //TODO: without that additional copy they become strange when function gets out of scope

	      ROS_INFO("Got calibration parameters");
	      ROS_INFO_STREAM("Distortion coefs:" <<distortionCoeffs);
	      ROS_INFO_STREAM("Camera matrix:"<<cameraMatrix);

Disable image transport plugins

If you want to disable compression and theora set following parameters:

	<rosparam param="/camera_topic/image_raw/disable_pub_plugins">
		- 'image_transport/compressedDepth'
		- 'image_transport/theora'
		- 'image_transport/compressed'

List plugins

How to list all plugins for costmap/move_base/nodelets

rospack plugins --attrib=plugin costmap_2d
rospack plugins --attrib=plugin nav_core
rospack plugins --attrib=plugin nodelet


Simple service definitions link

Message filters

Synchronize multiple topics to one callback funciton link

One master over network

Script that lets you easily set up one master over multiple PCs. click this link

Use arg/env/... in .yaml

subst_value=true Allows use of substitution args in the YAML text when loaded with `<rosparam command="load" .../>

Set image as texture in URDF model

add to package.xml

  <gazebo_ros gazebo_media_path="${prefix}"/>

In urdf model add

<gazebo reference="marker_link">

In package add


Where example.materials is

material Marker46Material{
                texture marker.png