
An app that helps stress relieving

Primary LanguageC#

Hotei - Wellness Activity Recommendation

1. Overview of Hotei

The issues of stress and general emotional well being are important in the context of student life where almost 63% suffer from stress, and 27% of all students suffer from a mental problem of some sort. This project aims to help manage a student’s stress levels whilst helping them become more aware of their emotional well being. This will be done through the development of a smartphone app, making use of heart rate data from a wearable device to automatically detect moments of stress, a recommendation system to provide tailored activity suggestions to help them relieve such stress, and ultimately improve their over all emotional well being.

2. Hardware

  • iPhone (iOs 10+)
  • Polar H7 Heart Rate Sensor
  • Apple Watch (Optional)

3. Files

Files under /Hotei (not all are shown):

The main project source code resides here.

  • Hotei.xcworkspace: Entry point for iOS project. (Open this instead of .xcodeproj)

  • Hotei/: Subdirectory holding iOS app development files

    • Main.storyboard: UI Story board of iPhone
  • HoteiW/: Subdirectory holding WatchOS app development storyboard

    • Interface.storyboard: UI Story board of Apple Watch
  • HoteiW Extension/: Subdirectory holding WatchOS app development files

    • InterfaceController.swift: Watch logic
  • Pods/: Subdirectory holding CocoaPods

    • OpenCV/: Subdirectory holding OpenCV lib
    • Charts/: Subdirectory holding Charts lib
  • Podfile: CocoaPod setup file (Instrustion for CocoaPods to install external lib correctly)

Files under /Database (not all are shown):

The database source code resides here.

  • HoteiApi/: Subdirectory holding database source code
  • HoteiClientExample/: Subdirectory holding database example code
    • HoteiClientExample.csproj/: Database API call example

Files in the root directory (not all are shown):

Auxiliary files go in here.

  • Coursework Instructions.pdf: Goal and instruction for this project

  • Data/: Subdirectory holding training and learnt data:

    • survey_results.ods: Training data for recommendations
    • user?.csv: Users heart rate data
    • user?_test.csv: Test data for users
  • figures/: Subdirectory holding figures used in the report:

    • System-overview.jpg: High-level view of the ststem
    • sysdia.jpg: Flowchart of the Feedback State
    • database.jpg: Database relationships
    • context.png: Context fitering
    • conf_user.PNG: Confusion matrix
    • screen.png: Screenshots of the app on iPhone and AppleWatch
  • Reports/: Subdirectory holding reports:

    • DesignReport.pdf: First stage design report
    • Individual Component Report - *.pdf: Individual reports
    • FinalReport.pdf: Final report
  • README.md: This file (readme)

4. Dependency

Notice that the project uses CocoaPods for installing external library. Please have it installed in advance.

  • Charts: Charts lib for displaying charts
  • OpenCV: OpenCV lib for machine learning

5. Running Hotei

Installing CocoaPods:

$ sudo gem install cocoapods

Clone this project

$ git clone https://github.com/timkchan/Hotei.git

Install dependencies (in repo root dir):

$ cd Hotei
$ pod install

Open Xcode project (in repo root dir):

$ cd Hotei
$ open Hotei.xcworkspace

Project uses CoreData and external libraries. It's recommended to clean and rebuild the project. Now the app should be ready to run on a simulator or an actual device.

6. Demo video

7. Contribution

This is a 4th year class (EE4.67 – Mobile Healthcare and Machine Learning) project at Imperial College London supervised by prof. Yiannis Demiris

Team members: