
Ants Vs. SomeBees

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ants Vs. SomeBees

The file ant.py is incomplete (to prevent from plagiarism). If you would like a completed version, please email me at me@timkchan.com

1. Introduction

In this project, we will create a tower defense game called Ants Vs. SomeBees. As the ant queen, we populate our colony with the bravest ants we can muster. Our ants must protect our queen from the evil bees that invade your territory. Irritate the bees enough by throwing leaves at them, and they will be vanquished. Fail to pester the airborne intruders adequately, and our queen will succumb to the bees' wrath. This game is inspired by PopCap Games' Plants Vs. Zombies.

2. Core Concepts

A game of Ants Vs. SomeBees consists of a series of turns. In each turn, new bees may enter the ant colony. Then, new ants are placed. Finally, all insects (ants, then bees) take individual actions: bees sting ants, and ants throw leaves at bees. The game ends either when a bee reaches the ant queen (we lose), or the entire bee flotilla has been vanquished (we win).

  • The Colony: The colony consists of several places that are chained together. The exit of each Place leads to another Place.
  • Placing Ants: There are two constraints that limit ant production. Placing an ant uses up some amount of the colony's food, a different amount for each type of ant. Also, only one ant can occupy each Place.
  • Bees: When it is time to act, a bee either moves to the exit of its current Place if no ant blocks its path, or stings an ant that blocks its path.
  • Ants: Each type of ant takes a different action and requires a different amount of food to place. The two most basic ant types are the HarvesterAnt, which adds one food to the colony during each turn, and the ThrowerAnt, which throws a leaf at a bee each turn.

3. Characters

Class Food Armour Action
Image of HarvesterAnt Harvester 2 1 Adds 1 food
Image of HarvesterAnt Long 2 1 Only throw_at a Bee that is found after following at least 5 entrance transitions. So the LongThrower can't hit Bees that are in the same Place as it or the first 4 Places in front of it. If there are two Bees, one too close to the LongThrower and the other within its range, the LongThrower should throw past the closer Bee, instead targeting the farther one, which is within its range. *
Image of HarvesterAnt Short 2 1 Only throw_at a Bee that is found after following at most 3 entrance transitions. So the ShortThrower can only hit Bees in the same Place as it and 3 Places in front of it. *
Image of HarvesterAnt Thrower 4 1 throw_at the nearest Bee in front of it that is not still in the Hive
Image of HarvesterAnt Wall 4 4 Does nothing each turn. A WallAnt is useful because it has a large armour value.
Image of HarvesterAnt Hungry 4 1 Selects a random Bee from its place and eat it whole. After eating a Bee, it must spend 3 turns digesting before eating again
Image of HarvesterAnt Bodyguard 4 2 Occupies the same place as another ant. When a BodyguardAnt is added to the same place as another ant, it takes the place of the other ant and shields it from damage. Attacks should damage the BodyguardAnt first and only hurt the protected ant after the BodyguardAnt has run out of armour. Meanwhile the ant inside of a bodyguard should still be able to perform its original action.
Image of HarvesterAnt Slow 4 1 Applies a slow effect for 3 turns.
Image of HarvesterAnt Scuba 5 1 It is water-safe, but otherwise identical to its Thrower. A ScubaThrower should not lose its armour when placed in Water.
Image of HarvesterAnt Ninja 6 1 Damages all Bees that pass by, but can never be stung
Image of HarvesterAnt Fire 6 1 When the FireAnt's armour reaches zero or lower, it will reduce the armour of all Bees in the same Place as the FireAnt by its damage attribute (defaults to 3).
Image of HarvesterAnt Stun 6 1 Applies a stun effect for 1 turn.
Image of HarvesterAnt Tank 6 2 Same as BodyGuard and also fending off bees on its own, on each turn will deal 1 damage to all bees in its place
Image of HarvesterAnt Queen 6 1 The QueenAnt is a waterproof ScubaThrower that inspires her fellow ants through her bravery. The QueenAnt doubles the damage of all the ants with or behind her, updating any ants whose damage hasn't been buffed yet each time she performs an action. Once an ant's damage has been doubled, it should not be buffed again on subsequent turns. (Hidden Rules Apply)
Image of HarvesterAnt Bee - ? Enemy!
* Neither of these specialised throwers can throw_at a Bee that is exactly 4 Places away. Placing a single one of these (and no other ants) should never win a default game.

4. Files

Files in this project:

  • ants.py: The game logic of Ants Vs. SomeBees
  • ants_gui.py: An older GUI for Ants Vs. SomeBees
  • gui.py: An new GUI for Ants Vs. SomeBees
  • graphics.py: Utilities for displaying simple two-dimensional animations
  • state.py: Abstraction for gamestate for gui.py
  • utils.py: Some functions to facilitate the game interface
  • ucb.py: Utility functions for CS 61A
  • assets: A directory of images and files used by gui.py
  • img: A directory of images used by ants_gui.py
  • icon8080: A directory of images used by README.md

5. Running the game

There are 3 ways to run the game:

  1. text-based

    $ python3 ants.py
  2. Python GUI

    $ python3 ants_gui.py
  3. Web-based GUI (recommended)

    $ python3 gui.py

All the methods above follow the same arguments:

usage: gui.py [-h] [-d DIFFICULTY] [-w] [--food FOOD]

Play Ants vs. SomeBees

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -d DIFFICULTY  sets difficulty of game (easy/medium/hard/insane)
  -w, --water    loads a full layout with water
  --food FOOD    number of food to start with when testing


$ python3 gui.py -d hard -w

6. Class Project Site
